Großes Jahresend-Special: Die Stars der Szene blicken zurück
1 von 18Subway To Sally live, 26.12.2011 Bremen, Pier 2Foto: B. Treimer. All rights reserved.
2 von 18Subway To Sally live, 26.12.2011 Bremen, Pier 2Foto: B. Treimer. All rights reserved.
3 von 18Subway To Sally live, 26.12.2011 Bremen, Pier 2Foto: B. Treimer. All rights reserved.
4 von 18Axel Rudi Pell live, 22.10.2012, München, BackstageFoto: Eva Bubek-Louis. All rights reserved.
5 von 18Axel Rudi Pell live, 22.10.2012, München, BackstageFoto: Eva Bubek-Louis. All rights reserved.
6 von 18Axel Rudi Pell live, 22.10.2012, München, BackstageFoto: Eva Bubek-Louis. All rights reserved.
7 von 18Unleashed live, Summer Breeze 1012Foto: G. Sauermann. All rights reserved.
8 von 18Unleashed live, Summer Breeze 1012Foto: G. Sauermann. All rights reserved.
9 von 18Unleashed liveFoto: Sight of Sound. All rights reserved.
10 von 18Biohazard live, 25.01.2012 Wien, GasometerFoto: C. Königsmayr. All rights reserved.
11 von 18Biohazard live, 25.01.2012 Wien, GasometerFoto: C. Königsmayr. All rights reserved.
12 von 18Biohazard live, 25.01.2012 Wien, GasometerFoto: C. Königsmayr. All rights reserved.
13 von 18Evocation live, Hell Inside 2012Foto: C. Rose, All rights reserved.
14 von 18Evocation live, Hell Inside 2012Foto: C. Rose, All rights reserved.
15 von 18Evocation live, Hell Inside 2012Foto: C. Rose, All rights reserved.
16 von 18Primordial live, Rock Harz 2012Foto: Birger Treimer. All rights reserved.
17 von 18Primordial live, Rock Harz 2012Foto: Birger Treimer. All rights reserved.
18 von 18Primordial live, Rock Harz 2012Foto: Birger Treimer. All rights reserved.
Name: Britta Görtz aka Elchkuh
Band: Cripper
Instrument: Vocals
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Lamb Of God – Resolution
Disquiet – Scars Of Undying Grief
Katatonia – Dead End Kings
Overkill – The Electric Age
Lana Del Rey – Born To Die
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Zusammen mit Izegrim am letzten Tourtag die Onslaught Bühne stürmen – in schrägsten 80s Klamotten und wild posend. Ich mach mir jetzt noch vor lachen in die Hose! Nicht im ernsten Sinne „denkwürdig“, aber doch im wörtlichen.
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Ein viel zu früher Tod im Freundeskreis.
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Die Release Show unseres Albums „Antagonist“ in Hannover. Zum Glück hatte ich’s nicht weit nach Hause…
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Auf das Metal-Umfeld bezogen war die Verhaftung von Randy Blythe eine Sache, die mich sehr zum Nachdenken gebracht hat.
Welche Erwartungen hast du an 2013?
Viele schöne Konzerte an Orten spielen, an denen ich noch nie war.
Name: Eric Fish
Instrument: SÄNGER
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
KREATOR – Phantom Antichrist
SHINEDOWN – Amaryllis
MY DYING BRIDE – A Map Of All Our Failures
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Headlinershow SUMMERBREEZE
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Der plötzliche Tod eines sehr guten Freundes, Dr. Hagen Höpfner (Fanclubchef DIE TRAUMFÄNGER)
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Ich verlasse Partys zu früh, um das sagen zu können
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Die nur auf dem rechten Auge blinde Justitia bzw. deren Bedienstete in unserem Lande
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
erstmal schau`n was am 21.12. passiert …
Name: Ashmedi
Band: Melechesh
Instrument: Guitar/Vocals
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Ian Gillan & Tony Iommi – WhoCares
Enslaved -Rittir
Whichtcraft- Legend
Nile – At the Gates of Sethu
Porcupine Tree – Octane Twisted
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
As Always there are several ones, from meeting our crazy fans around the world with their tattoos or fan art on their clothes to Kicking ass each night on stage consistently.
Adding our new bass player Scoprios , is the only thing that surpass this .
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
1. My brother and his wife had a daughter, the first baby born in jerusalem on 1-1-2012, i finally met her in June and she is awsome. We are a tiny family so this is a valuable edition and made me very happy.
2. I chopped off the tip of my thumb on new years eve in 2011 , using the best medications and care with the help of my x girlfriend who is a doctor, my thumb tip was completely resotred with in a month and fully healded within 3 months
3. Fernandes Guitars offered to make my siganture model guitar. This is a ground breaking guitar , V shaped 12 string electric guitar to be massely produced, this makes me the first musician from near/mid east witha signature guitar. Another first to add inthe world of Melechesh. I am very produ of it., But this guitar will also offer differetn ways to compose extreme metal.
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Are you kidding me? Every night is a big party on tour, the tour bus becomes an insane place to be ! , a festival in Estonia was great as well, they had a belly dancing tent with water pipes and we were guests of honour it felt like some fairy taill we were surrounded by wonderful women , limitless drinks etc.. haha was kind of funny. I spent some time in istanbul in 2012 and all i can say they know how to fucking party over there… not a dull moment .
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Humanity as always! Latest events that happened in the middle east ,I dont want to get into it deeply because the rabid dogs , or the zombie humans might lynch me or bite my head off ( metaphorically speaking) I was shocked when a cease-fire was called how many people got pissed off instead of glad. Enough said! FUCK THEM
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
For Melechesh it will be a GREAT year , we are working on new music, got some more touring ( tour #6 and maybe# 7 for the previous album) , some festival appearances. And to me personally my signature Model guitar as i mentioned earlier it is really important for me! I hope it will help contribute something to the world of metal no matter how big or small.
Name: Axel Ritt
Band: Grave Digger
Instrument: Gitarre
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
GRAVE DIGGER – Clash Of The Gods
Jeff Beck – Guitar Shop
Queen – A Night At The Opera
ZZTOP – Mescalero
Motörhead – Motörizer
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Der Auftritt auf der 70.000-Tons-Of-Metal-Cruise. Von der Location über die Kommunikation mit den Fans bis hin zum Konzept der Reise, abgefahrener geht nicht mehr!
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Ich hatte Porzellan Hochzeit
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Die 70.000-Tons-Of-Metal-Cruise
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Am meisten schockiert mich wie unverfroren Subjekte wie unser Wirtschaftsminister dafür sorgen, dass jegliche Form von Umwelt-, Tier- und Menschenschutz im Keim erstickt wird, damit er nach seiner Abwahl 2013 unter möglichst vielen “Beraterverträgen” in der Industrie wählen kann. Noch schlimmer ist aber, dass wir diese eindeutige Korruption nicht durch Gesetze verhindern und dass obwohl wir dieses parasitäre Verhalten seit Jahren parteiübergreifend bei Personen wie Schröder, Clement, Schlauch, Koch usw. erleben.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Eine neue Regierungskoalition, steigende Lebensmittel- und Energiekosten, einen Rückgang des allgemeinen Fleischkonsums und einen Spritpreis von über 2 € je Liter.
Name: Anders
Band: Unleashed
Instrument: Drums
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Vektor – Outer Isolation (vinyl release?
Tiamat – The Scarred People
Autopsy – All Tomorrow’s Funerals
Hell Militia – Jacob’s Ladder
Nitad – Rastlös Och Vild
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Of course, releasing the „Odalheim“ album, and also playing some killer festivals and shows!
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Private life is just that, private. But this year had it’s up’s and down’s. As all years do.
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Haha there was plenty of parties! But traveling to Boltfest in London i would say was one of the bigger ones…
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
I don’t know really. Nothing i guess…i’m too old and jaded to be shocked. As far as any news or political story….i don’t give a shit. The world is doomed and it’s all spiraling downwards fast.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Nothing and everything! Seriously, i try not to have any expexctations like that. Hopefully me and mine will survive and have a good year, that is all one can ask for.
Name: Billy Graziadei
Band: Biohazard
Instrument: Singer/Guitarist
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
In no specific order:
Soulfly – Enslaved
Bad Brains – Into the Future
Shadows Fall – Fire from the Sky
Testament – Dark Roots of Earth
Gojira – L’Enfant Sauvage
Deftones – Koi No Yokan
Die Antwoord – Ten$ion
Joey Ramone – Ya Know
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
When we the Biohazard album Reborn in Defiance came out, we went on tour with Suicidal Tendencies, DRI and Terror. The tour rocked but the week before the tour we had to find a replacement for our drummer who’s wife was late with their baby. Sworn Enemy drummer Danny Lamagna joined us. First day of the tour, our bassplayer was rushed to the hospital for some unknown BIOHAZARD virus, almost had to cancel the tour but Scott Roberts stuck it out like a hardcore/metal trooper!
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
What was your most memorable moment in your private life? Most memorable….tough to say…most recent is most probably when our old bass player quit while we were making the new Biohazard record. That was a huge blow but we survived and moved on, now we have an awesome new Bass player who loves to do what we do!
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Biggest party was probably the metal hammer golden gods awards! That rocked.
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Watching the world affairs unravel….the Arab Spring continues to bring change to the world, Iran’s nuclear ambition and the related drama reeks havoc in world news, Curiosity landed on Mars, Terrorism continues, the most expensive US election campaign in history, Hurricane Sandy demolish the east coast of the US and we end the year with Isarealis and Palistinians at war again….and the release of the first Biohazard album in years…
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
More of the same and a lot of new beginnings! Keep up with me on
Name: Edmond aka Hupogrammos
Band: Dordeduh
Instrument: Vocals, Guitars and many more
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Ulver – Childhood’s end
Atoma – Skylight
Wodensthone – Curse
Rush – Clockwork Angels
… and maybe Dead can dance – Anastasis but I place thins because I don’t have anything else in place…
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Shooting our first video clip called „Dojana“
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Experiencing hell with my own eyes…
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Dark Bombastic Evening Festival 4.
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
It moved me to see that there’re still people that care about things, about evolution in the true sense of humanity, looking forward to embrace the new age and it shocked me to see that people are still sustaining the greediness and egocentrism of a hand of degenerated people which contribute essentially to the general decay of everything that’s human.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Things to go on…
Name: Mark Thomas Baker
Band: Orchid
Instrument: Guitar
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Witchcraft – Legend
Graveyard – Lights Out
Killing Joke – MMXII
Kadavar – Kadavar
Saturnalia Temple – Aion of Drakon
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Finally signing a deal after months of negotiations.
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
SF Giants win the World Series
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
My 4th of July party. I barely remember it…
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
The obscene amount of money spent on bullshit US politics.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
A new Orchid album and some fun shows…
Name: Jason Peppiatt
Band: Psycroptic
Instrument: Vocals
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Sylosis-monolith, Gojira-L,enfant Sauvage, Testament-Dark roots of earth, Devin Townsend- Epicloud, Dyscarnate- And so it come to pass
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Hammersonic festival in Jakarta was probably my highlight for the year!
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Turning 30 was a pretty big highlight for me, My friends threw me a pretty awesome party!!
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
It would have to be on the Obituary tour, Me and Erik Meihs from The Amenta had a pretty crazy night in Holland!!!
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
I was pretty moved by all the positive feed back and reviews on our latest album
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Hopefully more good tours and hopefully starting work on a new Psycroptic album!
Name: The Gentleman
Band: A Forest of Stars
Instrument: Keyboards/Percussion
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Diablo Swing Orchestra – Pandora’s Piñata
Lana Del Rey – Born to Die
Godspeed You! Black Emperor – Allelujah! Don’t Bend! Ascend!
Swans – The Seer
Eis – Wetterkreuz (yeah, I’m biased; suck it!)
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Walking round Goethe’s (amazing) house. By that point, no one had had any sleep for at least 34 hours and everyone had gone completely batty. In such a bizarre environment, it just made everyone that little bit more mental and it was like living in a rococo-Dali nightmare. Needless to say, it was tremendously funny. To me, at least. Anything was by that point…
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
I have time for a private life? I wasn’t informed otherwise… Do you happen to know where can I apply for a refund?
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Brighton beach (the English one, with the pier!), beautiful summer’s day, not a cloud in the sky, ice cream and a paddle in the sea, followed by an extremely intense gig, followed by clubbing and back to the beach before dawn to watch the sun rise, all with our good friends, Wodensthrone whilst on tour. Absolutely perfect.
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Shocked: That people actually liked our album. Moved: That people actually came to see us live. I honestly didn’t expect either of those; none of us did!
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
I ask for absolutely nothing. I’ll work my socks off, keep my head down low, tour, write, produce and record a new album; hopefully that’ll keep me occupied and out of harm’s way.
Name: Marko Palmén
Instrument: Guitars
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Aeon – Aeons Black
Cannibal Corpse – Torture
Enslaved – Riitiir
Swallow The Sun – Emerald Forest And The Blackbird
Unleashed – Odalheim
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Recording the new Evocation album „Illusions of Grandeur“ together with the internationally renowned producer Roberto Laghi (In Flames, Hardcore Superstar, The Haunted etc.). Together we made the album something we can stand proud of for a long time ahead.
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
My mother managed to defeat the cancer she was diagnosed with late last year. In celebration we all went to see the Ozzy & Friends show at Malmö Stadion in Sweden. The first big concert she has ever attended and it was a great show! She is a big Ozzy fan since many years back. I’m really glad we shared this show together!
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
For me it must be the two times we met the guys of Cannibal Corpse. First time was in Gothenburg in February after their show with Behemoth and second time was at Sweden Rock Festival when they played there in June. We were invited by them and it was the first time we met them since the European Tour we did together in the autumn of 2009. It was a really nice reunion and I hope we will meet soon again!
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
It must be the fact that people were upset when Chris Brown was wearing a leather jacket with a Municipal Waste logo among others… I would like to have those persons problems because they can’t have any serious issues in their life if that upsets them.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Well, first of all there might not be a 2013 since it has been interpreted that the Mayan Calendar predicts the end of the world on 21st of December… But in case we see 2013 I expect Evocation to tour and play festivals at different parts of the world but first and most importantly Europe. Hopefully we will also be doing some live recordings of shows and maybe some other recordings as well… Can’t reveal too much here but keep an eye open for some cool stuff from Evocation in 2013! See you all on the other side of the year, hopefully…
Name: Derya “Dez” Nagle
Band: The Safety Fire
Instrument: Guitar
What are your five favorite records release in 2012?
Deftones – Koi No Yokan
Between The Buried And Me – The Parallax II: Future Sequence
Frank Ocean – Channel Orange
7 Horns 7 Eyes – Throes of Absolution
Exotic Animal Petting Zoo – Tree of Tongues
What was your most memorable band-moment?
Hard to pick really. Probably playing to a sold out crowd in New York. It was one of the last shows of our first US tour and was just amazing!
What was your most memorable moment in your private life?
Probably waking up to find out our soundguy Charlie had gotten a blowjob from a Brazilian girl in the hostel we were staying at in Berlin. He didn’t have a condom. Hi Charlie!
Which was the biggest party of the year?
Probably Lori’s birthday in Munich. We threw him into a light fixture. Good times had by all.
What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?
Probably this one time Charlie didn’t have a condom.
What do you expect from 2013?
Lots more touring, a second album and Charlie to carry condoms on him. Stay safe.
Name: Jan Hoffmann
Band: Long Distance Calling
Instrument: Bass
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Deftones: Koi No Yokan
Soundgarden: King Animal
Anathema: Weather Systems
War From A Harlots Mouth: Voyeur
Agent Fresco: A Long Time Listening
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Eine ausverkaufte Show in Athen, die Fertigstellung des neuen LDC Albums „The Flood Inside“.
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Zu sehen wie mein Sohn Musik aktiv entdeckt und erlebt, the next generation
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Die Geburtstagsparty meines Sohns
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Geschockt hat mich sicher der Tod von Mitch Lucker (Suicide Silence), den ich persönlich kannte, sowas geht einem immer nah.
Am meisten bewegt hat mich die Tatsache, was wir mit der Band bisher erreicht haben und in Ländern unterwegs waren, die ich nicht für möglich gehalten hätte,
als wir angefangen haben. Außerdem die Show mit Anathema in Schweden, bei der ich als Bassist eingesprungen bin. Bei „Deep“ hatte ich echt Pippi in den Augen,
das war mir eine große Ehre mit den Jungs auf der Bühne zu stehen.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Ich hoffe auf ein gutes Jahr 2013, sowohl privat als auch mit der Band. Außerdem wünsche ich mir einen Champions League Platz für Werder Bremen J
2013: let´s do this!
Name: Nemtheanga
Band: Primordial/Twilight Of The Gods/Blood Revolt/Plagued
Instrument: vocals (bass….)
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Grand magus – the hunt/ hour of 13 – 333/graveyard – lights out/deathspell omega – drought/ baroness – yellow and green and honourable mentions to ruins of beverast and christian mistress!
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Having to spend every day for 3 weeks waking up with solstafir on tour J several moments on the american tour, a riot of a show in new york, last show with while heaven wept/vektor and cormorant was a special one and the usual sex, drugs and rock n roll right?
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Eh can i say sex drugs and rock n roll again? Ireland winning the European championship….oh eh wait.
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Touring with solstafir, we are merely planets in Addis orbit. Honourable mention for bringing some whiskey chaos to progpower in atlanta georgia among others this year.
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
I’m not shocked by much anymore. The worst possible daily news seems to be perfectly normal as we slip further and further into chaos, murder and natural disaster.
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
you can expect s mighty twilight of the gods album of great heavy metal, more primordial touring and festivals and hopefully some new material. The rock rolls ever on!
Name: Rock N´Rolf
Band: Running Wild
Instrument: Guitar / Vocals
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Billy Talent – Dead Silence
Nickelback – Here And Now
Kiss – Destroyer-Ressurected
Mad Max – Another Night Of Passion
Angel – On Earth As It Is In heaven / White Hot (re-release)
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Die Produktion des aktuellen Running Wild album „Shadowmaker“
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Privat ist Privat
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Die Release Party zu „Shadowmaker“ im Februar in Hannover
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Dass es die dümmste Erfindung des Menschen „Krieg“ immer noch gibt!
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Ich freue mich auf die Veröffentlichung von Giant X, sowie auf die Arbeiten zum neuen Running Wild Album
Name: Axel Rudi Pell
Band: Axel Rudi Pell
Instrument: Gitarre (oder: 6 Saiten Klangholz)
Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?
Rainbow – On Stage (Deluxe Edition)
Rainbow – Rising (Deluxe Edition)
Led Zeppelin – Celebration Day
Deep Purple – Live In Paris 1975
Michael Schenker – Temple Of Rock Live In Europe
Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?
Unsere Show auf der größten Bühne beim ausverkauften Wacken Open Air.
Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?
Meiner Frau den Wunsch erfüllt zu haben, eine Guns `n Roses Show aus der zweiten Reihe gesehen zu haben … 😉
Welche war die Party des Jahres?
Die Riesenparty in der Bochumer Zeche nach 3 Sold Out Shows dort…
Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?
Der Tod einer meines besten Freundes, der den jahrelangen Kampf gegen den Krebs leider verlor. R.I.P. Olli !
Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?
Die vielleicht perfekteste ARP Scheibe überhaupt zu komponieren, deren Songs schon in der Frühphase Klassiker Status erkennen lassen… 😉