W.A.S.P.: Gebet vor ‘Heaven’s Hung In Black’ für Oslo-Opfer


Der Schock über das Norwegen-Massaker sitzt nach wie vor tief – auch in der Metal-Szene. Blackie Lawless hat jetzt während eines W.A.S.P.-Konzertes im norwegischen Jevnaker zu einem gemeinsamen Gebet aufgerufen.

Vor dem Song ‘Heaven’s Hung In Black’ im Zugabenblock hielt Lawless ein und setzte zu folgenden Gedenk-Worten für die Opfer von Anders Breivik an:

„We started [this leg of the tour in Greece in late July], and we saw things down there we’ve never seen before. And as we went through Europe, we saw things happening in almost every place we went we had never seen before. All of that started about a month ago with what happened about thirty minutes from here. And it’s a part of this continent that… I’ve been coming here for many, many years, but there’s things I’m seeing now that I just don’t recognize and it’s disturbing me greatly.

And for those, I believe, 78 people that were murdered here last month, I wanna do something that I’ve never done before. A lot of you people may know that I’m a Christian, and I know some of you here may not believe in that, but I wanna lead the people tonight that believe in this in a prayer — a very short prayer. For those of you that don’t believe this, please give us a moment and don’t say anything. [Begins prayer] Almighty Father, we come to you in the precious name of Jesus, and we know that your word promises us that for those that believe, all things work together for good.

We ask you, Father, to strengthen the families and the loved ones of the people that were lost here and heal this nation and raise them back up again. Father, we praise you in Jesus‘ mighty, mighty name. Amen. Amen.“

Ein Video des Gebets und des anschließenden W.A.S.P.-Songs findet ihr hier:

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