Volbeat-Sänger Michael Poulsen bricht auf der Bühne zusammen


[Update:] Nachdem Volbeat-Sänger Michael Poulsen auf der Bühne zusammengebrochen ist, hat er jetzt ein offizielles Statement ausgegeben:

„I got really sick when the tour started, shitting/puking all over the place, muscle ache and high fever, and couldn’t really eat any thing without feeling bad. But that had happened so many times before, and nothing was going stop me doing what I love the most — being on stage and playing the songs for you guys and ladies.

10 minutes before stage time, I felt really bad and dizzy, and my whole body was really heavy, and I felt weak and I had chest pain while breathing.

I only remember playing the first two songs. Every time I was trying to breathe, I felt dizzy and couldn’t see anything else that sharp light/stars. I couldn’t do my vocals well or move well since the energy was simply not there. My mind and body was not working together and it ended with a collapse, and I was rushed to the nearest hospital. The doctors said that it was crazy to play the shows while I was sick, and they were surprised that it first happened now. All the tests they did at the hospital was fine, and everything looked good. Actually I’m in really good shape and my heart and blood is fine.

I’m sorry to let you people down, but in my heart I know you understand, and I thank you so much for your concern and kind words and support; I owe you every thing.

I will be back on my feet to kick some ass again in the U.S. from 5th supporting Metallica.

There will be another show in the beginning of the new year, so keep an eye on our website.“

Die dänischen Erfolgs-Rocker Volbeat haben am Sonntag den 29.11.2009 im 013 in Tilburg, Holland, live gespielt. Augenzeugenberichten zufolge brach Sänger Michael Poulsen während des Gigs auf der Bühne zusammen.

Er habe schon zu Beginn der Show gesagt, dass er ziemlich krank sei, seine Fans aber nicht enttäuschen wolle. Während des neuen Songs ‚A Warrior’s Call‘ sei Michael Poulsen dann auf der Bühne zusammengebrochen und ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden.

Von Volbeat selber gibt es momentan noch kein offizielles Statement, obwohl Fan-Videos im Netz zu finden sind, die den Sänger auf der Bühne liegend und von Helfern umringt zeigen.

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