Trefft Blind Guardian höchstpersönlich in eurer Stadt


Die Tourposter (hier zu sehen – inkl. Dates unserer Tour des Monats) werden in den nächsten Tagen und Wochen die Städte verschönern. Für Fans sind sie aber auch das Ticket zur Twilight World, denn wenn sie ein Poster sehen, sich damit fotografieren und das Bild an schicken, könnten sie die Show ihrer Stadt gratis sehen und die Band auch noch persönlich treffen.

Hier die Details zur Aktion:

Starting at the beginning of September the poster for the Blind Guardian 2010 German tour will start popping up around the country. To celebrate this tour we are holding a contest where you can win an exclusive meet and greet with the band.

We will be giving away ONE meet and greet package per city on the German tour. This means ONLY for the shows in Ludwigsburg, Trier, Langen, Bremen, Hamburg, Bamberg, Düsseldorf, München, Berlin and Osnabrück. Each meet and greet package will include 2 tickets to the concert and the opportunity to meet the band.

All you need to do to enter the contest is the following:

• Find a tour poster.
• Take a picture of yourself in which you are standing (or sitting, laying, whatever) beside the tour poster.
• Send this photograph to The subject of the e-mail must have the following format: “CITY NAME: Meet and greet contest Germany 2010″ where CITY NAME is the name of the city of the concert you would like to attend. For example “HAMBURG: Meet and greet contest Germany 2010″.
• In the e-mail please include the following information along with the photograph: Name, E-Mail address, Mobile phone number, City where you saw the tour poster.

Noch mehr Details zur Meet’n’Greet-Aktion findet ihr auf Viel Erfolg!

Weitere Artikel zu Blind Guardian:
+ Fotoalbum: Blick hinter die Blind Guardian-Kulissen
+ Album des Monats: AT THE EDGE OF TIME Review
+ Blind Guardian-Interview zu AT THE EDGE OF TIME

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