
Trees Of Eternity: Hört HOUR OF THE NIGHTINGALE hier vorab


Die Singer-Songwriterin Aleah Starbridge startete gemeinsam mit dem Gitarristen und Komponisten Juha Raivio Trees Of Eternity als eine Akustikkollaboration. Durch die Norman Brüder (ex-Katatonia, October Tide) an den Streichinstrumenten und Kai Hahto am Schlagzeug ist daraus schließlich eine komplette Band geworden.

Hört das Debüt-Album HOUR OF THE NIGHTINGALE unten jetzt schon komplett!

Hinter dem am 11.11.2016 erscheinenden Debüt-Album von Trees Of Eternity steht eine traurige Geschichte:

Drei Jahre Arbeit am Debütalbum der Band wurden diesen Frühling auf tragische Weise unterbrochen als Aleah in der finalen Postproduktionsphase des Albums verstarb.

Today is the day we will celebrate the music, lyrics and the life of our beautiful Queen who so tragically and suddenly crossed the bridge of stars and left this world so young and so soon. But her music and words will live forever on from this day“, so der Komponist Juha Raivio.

There really are no words to describe the ultimate weight of the darkness, or the rays of the brightest of light that this album holds within its songs and lyrics. In so many ways this album turned out to be the most important album I´ve done in my life, and we both loved it from the first note to the last as we wrote it. We wanted it to be perfect. 

Aleah Starbridge

About Aleah… I have never met a person and a musician more connected to the very core of the absolute emotion, meaning and the soul of each note and every word she wrote or sang. She wanted her music and lyrics always to be 110% honest and truthful, absolutely nothing less would do. Music was her religion and passion, a gateway to her soul and beyond.

 There will never be another songwriter or voice like hers that can turn the day into the darkest of night, or turn the darkness into blinding light with just one word or a whisper. All Hail Aleah, Goddess of light and darkness.“

Das Cover Artwork zu HOUR OF THE NIGHTINGALE stammt von Fursy Teyssier (Les Discrets). Juha und Fursy haben nächtelange Gespräche über Aleahs Magie geführt und Fursys Arbeit schafft es die Essenz des Albums perfekt einzufangen. „The art contains such power and calm beauty, so many hidden messages. It is mystical in the same way that Aleah always was“ kommentiert Juha Raivio.

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