Sonic Syndicate mit neuem Album im Juli


Nach dem Erfolg den Sonic Syndicate 2010 mit WE RULE THE NIGHT hatten, gönnten sie sich nach ihrer Welttournee eine Pause. Jetzt, vier Jahre später wird ihr neues Album SONIC SYDICATE erscheinen. Das Cover des Albums könnt ihr oben sehen.

Den Titel des Albums kommentiert Gitarrist Robin Sjunnesson:

„We decided to go with this one as a “Self-Titled” release. Mainly because as an album we have put everything we’ve got into it. All of our experience as musicians, the evolution of the music, the sound from all eras of the band, and also the road we have taken as people. This is us, this is Sonic Syndicate in all its beauty and destruction. It shows our strength, our love for melody, our scars, our energy. The cover art is a definite representation of that. In the background, a battle-torn city laid to waste, four figures emerging together with only each other to depend on in an environment so harsh, only those with a tough heart, body and soul can survive. The tone throughout this album is definitely darker, and as my Swedish family would say “With a red-line running in the middle” so we put this into the colour-scheme. We could not be more proud of this album, and we thank our fans for the support, it’s because of them that we’re here. This album is for you.”

Auf dem Song ‘Before You Finally Break’, den SONIC SYNDICATE beinhalten wird, ist Soilwork-Sänger Björn „Speed“ Strid im Duell mit Sonic Syndicate-Fronter Nathan Biggs zu hören.

Biggs über die Idee der Zusammenarbeit und den Song:

„I’m honored to call Speed a friend. I’ve been a big SOILWORK fan for years. Those guys were a massive hand in crafting that trademark Swedish sound so it made perfect sense to ask Speed when we knew we wanted to do a song with guest vocals. Performance wise I think we have similar styles and execution, but at the same time we both have our own thing going on so the voices compliment each other to great effect. My idea was also to have a real battle between our vocals. I hate it when you have these „featuring“ songs and the guest just pops up for a chorus and then does backing vocals for a while in the verse or something. This is a real fight between us for the mic and I’m sure people are gonna appreciate that.“

Das fünfte Sonic Syndicate Album wir am 4. Juli 2014 via Nuclear Blast veröffentlicht und zudem wird es eine limitierte erste Auflage im Digipack geben, die drei Bonustracks beinhaltet.


01. Day Of The Dead

02. Black Hole Halo

03. Long Road Home

04. My Revenge

05. Before You Finally Break (feat. Speed/SOILWORK)

06. Catching Fire

07. Unbreakable

08. It Takes Me

09. See What I See

10. So Addicted

11. The Flame That Changed The World


12. Diabolical Work Of Art

13. What We Shared

14. Another Soldier Down

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