Slipknot: Musiker und Freunde gedenken an Paul Gray


James ‚Munky‘ Shaffer (Korn):
“I want to send my love to his family and the band, they’re going through a really very hard time right now. I’m speechless, I just want to send my prayers love and respect to everybody that is surrounding his wife and his baby to be.“

„RIP Paul Gray, we’re shocked and very sad, this is another tragic loss for our metal community.“

„Today we mourn the passing of our friend Paul. The down to earth, friendly, unpretentious metal head that we loved. Our hearts go out to Slipknot, his family and his friends. May Paul have found his peace.“

David Ellefson (Megadeth, Hail!):
„I was very shocked and saddened to hear of Paul Gray’s passing. I considered him an incredible songwriter, inventive bassist, but more importantly a kind and warm friend. As a fellow musician, I was excited that he would be playing in HAIL! this coming month as I knew it would be a fun experience for him.“

Jamey Jasta, Chris Beattie (Hatebreed):
„Paul was a stand-up guy and a great musician. He and Slipknot changed the face of rock music as we know it. Just about every metal band member from 1999 onward owes him a salute.“

Brian Fair (Shadows Fall):
„He was a great musician, an underrated songwriter and a truly warm soul underneath the evil mask he rocked onstage. This is a huge loss to the metal world. He will be missed deeply.“

Colin Richardson (Produzent):
„Our love and respect for SLIPKNOT and their team goes back many years now and Colin has always been completely honoured to work with such brilliant artists. He is a true fan to the core and sends his love and condolences to everyone in Slipknot and their camp.“

„We are completely shocked and very upset after hearing about the loss of Paul Gray. He was a great friend and a craftsman of one of the most compelling metal bands in history. Our thoughts are with his family, his bandmates and his countless fans and friends around the world. He will be deeply missed.“

Rob Rivera (Nonpoint):
„Nonpoint had the pleasure of touring with Slipknot during the 2001 Ozzfest, and what we saw from Paul and the rest of Slipknot was a band that gave their all live and put their bodies on the line.

Jacoby Shaddix (Papa Roach):
„He was an awesome person on and off stage. He will be missed by many including myself. His spirit will live on through the killer music he wrote.”

Benji Madden (Good Charlotte)
“Sending thoughts and prayers out to Slipknot and their friends and families.”

Paul Gray wurde am Montag den 24.05.2010 tot in einem Hotel gefunden. Die Todesursache ist noch nicht bekannt.

Slipknot kündigen Europatour 2025 an

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