Sepultura schließen Reunion mit den Cavaleras endgültig aus


Am 11. Dezember 2010 spielten Sepultura ein historischen Konzert in São Paulo, Brasilien. Der Blick in die eigene Vergangenheit ist aber auch ein Blick nach vorne, denn die Band hat keinen Bock mehr auf Fragen nach Max Cavalera, der 1996 ausgestiegen war. Hier das Statement, das unten auch noch als Video angesehen werden kann:

„Hello, SEPULTURA fans all over the world. We’re here in São Paulo. We’re gonna play the whole album ‚Arise‘ at the birthday party of the Manifesto Bar, 16 years.

So we are here to say that we are working on a new album [that] we are gonna release next year. We just signed with Nuclear Blast [Records]. We have a worldwide plan for 2011 and 2012. We’re gonna record the album in January with Roy Z. [JUDAS PRIEST, HALFORD, BRUCE DICKINSON, HELLOWEEN] producing the album, for the first time working with us. We have a worldwide release planned for May 2011. And we’re here to assure you that we’re gonna be on the road with this formation, the SEPULTURA that we are today. And we have a full North American tour scheduled for April — everything is confirmed. We have a full-scale tour for the summer. We are confirmed for the Wacken — the first time SEPULTURA will be playing there.

Don’t listen to fucking rumors anymore. We are tired of listening to this fucking bullshit that Max is saying all over the world, that there’s gonna be a reunion and this and that. We’re here to say there’s no communication, there’s no talks about any type of reunion or any show with the Cavaleras. Igor is doing his job, Max is supposed to do his job, and we are doing our job.

We are SEPULTURA for 26 years and we celebrating this with a new album, a new deal and a new world tour. And I hope this is the end of fucking rumors and fucking lies, OK?!

We are SEPULTURA and we’re gonna be with you next year with a new album.

See you on tour.“

Damit sollte dann wohl alles gesagt sein. Das originale Video findet ihr weiter unten.

Weitere Artikel zu Sepultura:
+ Sepultura + Urban Majik Johnson + Retain live in Hamburg
+ Sepultura Reunion im klassischen Line-up sei “definitiv möglich”
+ Andreas Kisser (Sepultura) über Cavalera Conspiracy: „Ok, geht aber besser“

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