Seht hier das Lyric-Video zu Enslaveds ‘Thurisaz Dreaming’

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Als Vorgeschmack auf ihr kommendes Album IN TIMES haben Enslaved ein Lyric-Video zur Edit-Version des neuen Songs ‘Thurisaz Dreaming’ veröffentlicht. (Die Album-Version ist 8:13 Minuten lang.)

Die Band erklärt zum Song:

„Finally, the first song from the album is released upon the world! This great lyric video is certainly a good way to present the song and the album. ‘Thurisaz Dreaming’ was the first song to be written for the album, and kept the place as the natural opener for the album all the way throughout the entire making of the album. It leaps out of the speaker and grabs you by the throat – it’s a song that makes you take a stand right there during the first seconds of the album: are you up for the journey?! Of course you are!“

Seht hier das Lyric-Video zu ‘Thurisaz Dreaming’:

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IN TIMES erscheint am 6. März. Es enthält sechs Songs mit einer Spielzeit von etwa 53 Minuten.

Die Tracklist des neuen Enslaved-Ablums IN TIMES:

01. Thurisaz Dreaming

02. Building With Fire

03. One Thousand Years Of Rain

04. Nathir Bleeding

05. In Times

06. Daylight

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