Nightwish zeigen spektakulär-düsteren Trailer zum IMAGINAERUM-Film


[Update:] Eine Achterbahnfahrt, ein Spukhaus, Soldaten, Frauen, Alpträume: Willkommen im Trailer zu ‘Imaginaerum’ von Nightwish .

Natürlich deuten die ersten Bilder aus dem kommenden Nightwish-Film mehr an, als sie tatsächlich zeigen, aber schon jetzt lässt sich über ‘Imaginaerum’ sagen: Es wird düster, es wird schräg, es wird poetisch. Tatsächlich könnten die Bilder aus dem Trailer auch fast aus einem Tim Burton-Film stammen.

Doch genug der Worte, seht hier die ersten Bewegtbilder aus dem unter Nightwish-Führung entstandenen ‘Imaginaerum’:

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3,7 Millionen US-Dollar kostet der groß gedachte Nightwish-Film ‘Imaginaerum’. Die Dreharbeiten in Kanada laufen auf Hochtouren, damit der Film rechtzeitig mit dem Album fertig wird. Regie führt Stobe Harju, der Einblicke in die Dreharbeiten und den Inhalt von ‘Imaginaerum’ gewährt.

Unter anderem verrät er, dass er absichtlich Parallelen zwischen Film-Charakteren und den echten Nightwish-Musikern verstärkt hat. Die ersten beiden Drehwochen waren fantastisch und die band ist schon von den frühen Rohschnitten begeistert.

Der ‘Imaginaerum’-Regisseur im Wortlaut:

„Two weeks have passed since the first day of shooting. It has been a triumph so far. Even as the band sat down to look at some raw pre-edited scenes, their faces couldn’t lie. They were very happy with what they saw.

Many of you must be dying for information and images from the set. We can’t pour all that out since we really believe that some of the reveals would spoil the show. However, if you’ve read the previous update you know some of the character names already, which of at least Tom and Ann sound familiar to a many. And they should sound familiar.

As I started to write ‚Imaginaerum‘ screenplay, I planted one single parameter above everything else: This is a NIGHTWISH film, no matter how fictional story about the band it would be. I didn’t just wanted to use the band’s name but also, to come up with character names resembling NIGHTWISH members‘ names. The band in Imaginaerum became Ann, Tom, Marcus, Emil and Jack. I know, not very clever when it comes to molding names. Yet, I wanted the audience to feel the presence of NIGHTWISH and to me the convergence had to be clear. I had endless battles trying to convince people that using names similar to Anette, Tuomas, Marco, Emppu and Jukka was a perfect bridge between NIGHTWISH in reality and NIGHTWISH in a fantasy world. The band didn’t agree with me originally. It became my decision and my responsibility I am proud of. That said, if someone ever thinks this might be an ego thing for the band, think again. It’s my decision completely, and that’s how I intend to keep it.

These first two weeks have been a blast. So many great people have bled together with us pouring their fantastic creativity into the project. We have a fantastic art director and her team. Our director of photography couldn’t be more dedicated to his line of work or his visuality. Our make-up and wardrobe departments have made magic in a short period of time. And the cast… wow! The whole crew is filled with professionals I could’ve only dreamt of when starting the project. And, our producers are the kind who really understand the drama, art and the story while keeping our budget safe and sound. I must be the luckiest director in the world. What more can I say.

What strikes me the most, is the fact that this project is not only titled as ‚the trip to one’s imagination,‘ but it is exactly that on every aspect of the game with all the beloved people involved.“

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