Neues Devin Townsend-Album bereits im Oktober


Der Kanadier Devin Townsend verkürzte seinen Fans die Wartezeit auf sein neus Album auf seine ganz persönliche Art und Weise: Er gab kurzerhand bekannt, dass Z2, so der Titel des Albums, bereits am 27. Oktober 2014 erscheinen soll. Das Cover könnt ihr oben sehen.

Eine weitere Überraschung: Das Album wird ein Doppel-Album sein, dass zu einer Hälfte aus Songs vom Devin Townsend Project und zur anderen Hälfte aus Ziltoid-Songs bestehen soll.

Die Nachricht von Devin Townsend im Wortlaut:

„So it’s been years I’ve been trying to get the energies in line to do another ‚Ziltoid‘ record, and it’s finally happened! ‚Z2‘ is my new record, and it’s a multimedia event that has taken a ton of people a ton of effort to bring to you! It’s a double album, (one side DEVIN TOWNSEND PROJECT, and one side ‚Ziltoid‘) and the concept expands on ‚Ziltoid‘ the alien, and his sci-fi adventures in a way that kind of throws back to ’50s radio plays… but obviously with complicated, heavy music as its soundtrack.“

„It has taken a great deal of energy to put this all together, and the music is just one of the aspects of it. It’s a dream come true in a lot of ways, and I’m excited and honored to be able to finalize the project with a live version of the entire record at the famous Royal Albert Hall in London on April 13th of next year! (!!) Basically what we did with ‚The Retinal Circus‘ a few years back will be taken to the next level with ‚Z2‘ live.“

„At the end of this process, we reached for the stars, and hopefully got to the moon, and after this album cycle, I will be taking some time to recharge my batteries and see what the next chapter holds.“

„I hope you enjoy this record and all its offshoots, as one of my goals is to hopefully inspire folks to reach for unconventional ways to express themselves as well. We couldn’t have done it without you!“

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