Metallica, Iron Maiden, Blind Guardian und Co sagen: frohes neues Jahr


Metallica, Iron Maiden, Kreator, Subway To Sally, Sepultura, Amorphis und noch viele mehr nehmen Abschied von 2011 und wünschen ihren Fans eine gute Reise in ein tolles Metal-Jahr 2012. Und zwar so – in ihren eigenen Worten:

Metallica (via Facebook)

Do you still keep track of the upcoming year the old fashioned way? The 2012 Metallica Wall Calendar is on sale now in the MetStore for $9.99. Happy New Year!

Iron Maiden (via Facebook)

We’ll wish you Happy New Year now, cos you’d better not be on Facebook at midnight!

Blind Guardian

A gift from Santa Guardian: The Bard’s Song 2011 Orchestral Version

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the Twilight Hall Santa Guardian and his band of dark elves put the finishing touches on a gift for all the bad boys and girls in Blind Guardian land. Santa Guardian thought it was unfair that “The Bard’s Song – The Hobbit” was re-recorded for Memories of a Time to Come but “The Bard’s Song – In the Forest” didn’t get any special treatment.

Using his own special brand of persuasion, Santa Guardian “ convinced” the band to make an orchestral version of “The Bard’s Song – In  the Forest” for inclusion on Memories of a Time to Come. Santa’s gift to every Blind Guardian fan is a 95 second preview of this song.

The whole Blind Guardian family wishes you and yours a very happy holiday season. See you in 2012!

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Kiss (via Facebook)


Have a safe and joyous New Year! Make it your resolution to live your life to the fullest and help others to be able to do the same.

Get ready for great KISS year!

Paul, Eric, Tommy & Gene

Thanks to Bill France for sending KISSOnline his great KISS New Year artwork! 

As I Lay Dying

Thank you to all of those who supported us this past 10 years. 2011 was a great year and we very much look forward to 2012, lots in store for you guys. Everyone be safe tonight and if you happen to be at a party or a friends house turn the speakers up and sing it loud.

Kreator (via Facebook)

Everyone in a good X-MAS mood? We are and therefore we are giving you a second sneak peak in to our rehearsal room. The last days of preproduction before we hit the studios. 
We have a second gift for you …an exclusive „Ruhrpott est. 1985“ limited edition for just 14.99 Euro in preorder. Check it out and tell us what you think about it.

Sodom (via Facebook)

Hi Sodomaniacs. We want to thank for your imperturbable support and the successful year 2011, that gives us hope looking forward to the 30 years anniversary in 2012. We also appreciate your eternal faithfulness and wish you all the best for the next year. B
est regards, Sodom

Subway To Sally (via Facebook)

Wir sagen DANKE! für ein grandioses 2011 und sehen uns nächstes (dieses) Jahr wieder! Habt einen guten Start nach 2012. 🙂

Arch Enemy (via Twitter)

Happy New Year to everybody from Arch Enemy! Whatever dreams or resolutions you have – may they come true in 2012. Fight for it! Cool, we’ll be filming more shows for this DVD…hope to release a pretty neat package in 2013! 2012 we’ll be busy touring…

Amorphis (via Twitter)

Happy new year all fans! Tonight we celebrate our last show for this year with our swiss friends at Z7. Thank you all for making year 2011 one of the most memorable for Amorphis. Shine on and see you next year!!!!!

Sepultura (via Facebook)

We would like to wish everyone a happy and safe new years! All the best for you all in 2012 from Sepultural!! Cheers and Rock n Roll!

Unearth (via Facebook)

Happy New Year everyone. We’ll be hitting the road hard Worldwide in 2012, so chances are we will see you soon. Read more about where and when we are coming near you here – More tour dates to be announced in the coming weeks!

Pain (via Facebook)

Wish you all a happy ending!

Thin Lizzy (via Facebook)

Happy New Year! Keep safe and keep it Lizzy!!


Brothers and sisters! The last 5 years or so I’ve always had this song on repeat on new years eve. Many of you don’t like it, some of you even hate it, I don’t give a shit. For me it serves as a reminder to leave my regrets and wrong doings (my own as well as other people’s) in the passing year.
2011 has been a great year for Sólstafir, but also a hard one. We managed to write, record and release not just a new album, but a double one to boost! We got a song in the Icelandic and Finish charts, something that totally took us by surprise, and Svartir Sandar ia already showing up on many best of year lists, both here in Iceland and abroad.
2012 is already looking very promising, and will be the busiest year in our 17 year long career. We’ve gotten to where we are today by working hard non stop, and we will continue to do so, because our ambition is aimed at the sky.
We can’t wait to get back on the road, and more importantly, on the stage, and to see all your faces, friends new and old!
 On behalf of Sólstafir, fökk it all and fökking no regrets! 
Guðmundur Óli.

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Geoff Tate (Ex-Queensrÿche) hat Narbe von Metallica-Fans

Im Oktober 1988 standen in Helsinki zahllose Metallica-Fans vor der Bühne und warteten gespannt auf das Auftreten der Band, für die sie gekommen waren. Zunächst kamen jedoch Queensrÿche auf die Bühne, die Metallica bei deren Europatournee unterstützten. In einem neuen Interview mit Southeast Wreck Metal erinnert sich der damalige Queensrÿche-Sänger Geoff Tate an den Abend. Fliegende Flaschen und scheppernde Saiten "Metallica waren damals riesig in Finnland. Wir waren die Vorband, also gab es viele Leute, die nur darauf warteten, dass wir von der Bühne gehen. Aber wir haben dafür gesorgt, dass sie uns zuhören." Das Ganze ging nicht ohne Zwischenfälle…
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