Metallica, Anthrax, Type O Negative trauern um George Marino


[Update:] Der Tod von Ton-Ingenieur George Marino lässt die Metal-Welt nicht unberührt. Viele Bands haben Beileid-Bekundungen veröffentlicht, darunter Metallica, Anthrax, Dream Theater, Life Of Agony und Type O Negative.

Lest die Statements hier im Original-Wortlaut:


„While some of you may not instantly recognize George’s name, he was an invaluable member of our extended Metallica-family and was absolutely crucial with his skills and guidance as he spent countless days and hours tweaking every nuance and sound on THE BLACK ALBUM, LOAD, RELOAD, GARACE INC. and S&M.

George was the unsung hero behind the scenes on hundreds of classic albums working in all genres of music, including Stevie Wonders ‚Innervisions‘, AC/DC’s ‚Back In Black‘, Guns N’ Roses’ ‚Appetite For Destruction‘, Bon Jovis ‚Slippery When Wet‘, Journeys ‚Frontiers‘, and Cyndi Laupers ‚She’s So Unusual‘, just to name a few… he has worked with Ozzy Osbourne, The Allman Brothers, Iron Maiden, Deep Purple, Kiss, The Offspring, The Cars, Coldplayand countless others. In his nearly 40 years at Sterling Sound, he won three Grammy awards, most recently in 2011 for ARCADE FIRE’s ‚The Suburbs‘, which won ‚Album Of The Year.‘ His talent, professionalism, attention to detail, and above all, true dedication to music, along with the mere fact that George was simply one of the nicest people we have ever met in anywhere in the music business, makes today a very sad one for everyone in the Metallica family and he will be missed by all.“


ANTHRAX: „R.I.P. George Marino. Any decent collection of heavy metal and hard rock will be full of records he mastered. He mastered ‚I’m The Man‘, ‚Volume 8‘, ‚Return Of The Killer A’s‘, ‚We’ve Come For You All‘, and ‚Anthrology‘. It’s also fun to say he mastered ‚Master Of Puppets‘.“

John Petrucci Dream Theater):

„So sad to hear about the passing of the great George Marino today. We have surely lost one of the last titans in the mastering world. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family.“

Keith Mina Caputo (Life Of Agony):

„Peace and blessings to his family and thank you George for believing in me and my musical efforts! You will never be forgotten! Your contribution to music is incredible and out of this world! R.I.P. George!“

Josh Silver (Type O Negative):

„One must always admire the skill and craftsmanship of someone who is at the top of their field. Even more admirable is when that person accomplishes this while maintaining an immeasurable amount of warmth and class. It was my privilege to be a part of the musical history that was George Marino. I’m certain he will be missed by all who knew him. The loss is ours.“

George Marino ist verantwortlich für den Sound unter anderem auf Metallicas BLACK ALBUM, APPETITE FOR DESTRUCTION von Guns N’ Roses, dem AC/DC-Klassiker HIGHWAY TO HELL und SLIPPERY WHEN WET von Bon Jovi. Gestern (04.06.2012) ist der legendäre Produzent und Engineer verstorben.

Seit 1973 waren die Sterling Sound Studios in New York City seine Heimat. Neben den oben erwähnten Metal-Alben machte er sich auch einen Namen mit ‘American Pie’ von Don McLean und Stevie Wonder.

George Marino starb an Lungenkrebs, mit dem er jahrelang zu kämpfen hatte.

Zu Geroge Marinos weiteren Arbeiten vor allem im Mastering zählen unter vielen anderen:

Annihilator NEVER, NEVERLAND (1990),
Anthrax AMONG THE LIVING (1987), VOLUME 8 (1998), WE`VE COME FOR YOU ALL (2003),
Death SYMBOLIC (1995),
Devildriver DEVILDRIVER (2003)
Dio HOLY DIVER (1983)
Grand Magus HAMMER OF THE NORTH (2003)
Manowar LOUDER THAN HELL (1996)
Metallica METALLICA (1991), LOAD (1996), RELOAD (1997), GARACE INC. (1998)
Ozzy Osbourne OZZMOSIS (1995)
Sepultura ROOTS (1996), CHAOS AD (1993)
Type O Negative BLOODY KISSES (1993)
und viele weitere…

Cover zu vielen der Alben, an denen George Marino mitgewirkt hat, findet ihr auch oben in der Galerie.

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Unleashed-Gründungsmitglied Fredrik Lindgren ist verstorben

1989 gründeten Johnny Hedlund, Tomas Olsson, Anders Schultz und Fredrik Lindgren in Stockholm die Death Metal-Band Unleashed. Bis zu seinem Ausstieg 1995 war Lindgren als Gitarrist an den ersten vier Studioalben WHERE NO LIFE DWELL (1991), SHADOWS IN THE DEEP (1992), ACROSS THE OPEN SEA (1993) und VICTORY (1995) sowie den Live-Platten LIVE IN VIENNA ’93 und EASTERN BLOOD, HAIL TO POLAND (1995) beteiligt. Nach seiner Zeit bei Unleashed war Fredrik Lindgren (aka Freddie Eugene) bei anderen schwedischen Bands wie Atlantic Tide, Loud Pipes, Terra Firma oder zuletzt bei Harms Way aktiv. Wie ehemalige Band-Kollegen nun bestätigten, ist der Gitarrist…
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