Machine Head: Robb Flynn gibt seine Top Ten 2011 aus


Was hört ein Mann, der das aktuelle Bild des Metal deutlich mitgeprägt hat? Robb Flynn, Sänger und Gitarrist von Machine Head hat uns verraten, was ihn 2011 am meisten überzeugt hat.

Hier seine original Statements:

1) Times Of Grace – THE HYMN OF A BROKEN MAN

This record is unreal. Un-fucking-believable album. So inspiring. Goosebumps throughout. The passion, the vocal harmonies, the lyrics, so meaningful and real. Songs about LOVE on a metal record… and they’re great??!! Crazy! And when it’s pissed, man, look out. What I’ve always loved about Jesse Leach’s voice is that it sounds like dude has PROBLEMS!! And I relate. I was really disappointed with where music was going when this came out… and this record literally saved me.


It took me about four listens, but when I „got it“, man, it hit me like a ton of bricks, this record simply rules.

3) Ray LaMontagne & The Pariah Dogs – GOD WILLIN‘ & THE CREEK DON’T

Rise „Normally I hate this kind of music, but our drummer Dave McClain turned me onto to this, and it’s seriously an absolutely incredible folk / Americana record, I could not stop listening to it. Ray’s voice has so much ache and sadness,“ This Love Is Over“ is a masterpiece.

4) All Shall Perish – THIS IS WHERE IT ENDS

Our Bay Area brethren deliver, and ambitious, and staggeringly heavy piece of work here. These guys are the undisputed kings of the Death-Core genre, and the main reason is the song writing. This isn’t Tech-Death-Arpeggio-Core with a 3rd rate Meshuggua riff, these are songs, great songs, with great lyrics. The Past Will Haunt Us Both is simply incredible. They just might be putting the nail in the coffin to this genre, while at the same time transcending into something greater.

5) Tyler The Creator – GOBLIN

Sick, sick, sick man! So dark, and fucked up. Warped! Underground rap at it’s finest. Thank you Mark from Chimaira

6) Trivium – IN WAVES

Best album since ASCENDANCY hands down, and probably a better album overall. Great songwriting, great production, great hooks. ‘ Watch The World Burn’ is amazing. Love it.

7) Kanye West & Jay-Z – WATCH THE THRONE

I love my mainstream hip hop, I can’t help it. What makes this record so freakin‘ good though, and also why I love Ye’s last album, is the production. Going back to the „sound collage“-style of early 90’s east coast rap, this record is sonically was incredible. Ridiculously good rhymes from both rappers, and the dark political undertones only deepened the beauty of it all.

8) The Beatles – iTunes catalog re-issue

I’ve heard every one of these songs a million times, and yet getting them all together made fall in love with the Beatles all over again. The guitar tone at the beginning SGT. PEPPERS LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND is one of the heaviest, raunchiest things ever put down in history. And while many bands have tried to cover Helter Skelter and make it heavier, none have come close to the apocalyptic proto-punk, garage-rock feel they captured. ‘Eleanor Rigby’, forget it, retarded!

9) Anthrax – WORSHIP MUSIC

I wasn’t expecting much out of this to be honest, the long public train wreck that unfolded with our friends was a bummer. Plus, I really liked John Bush’s voice, but man, this record is just so unbelievably good it stopped me in my tracks. Great songs, great, production, great lyrics, and fuck me if Belladonna didn’t deliver the vocal performance of his life. Hands down the best he has ever sounded, and the freedom he was allowed (insisted on?) made it all the better, soaring vocal harmonies, power, the quality of his vocal tone, dude had to deliver a Hail Mary and he did. In The End and Fight ‚Em Til You Can’t are 2 of the best songs Anthrax have ever written. Great job dudes!

10) Darkest Hour – THE HUMAN ROMANCE

Stop sleeping on this album! Metal done at it’s finest, buy a bunch of dudes who are serious music freaks, and might be the craziest bunch of party animals alive. Do yourself a favor and buy this now.

Honorable mention:

Behemoth – ‘Lucifer’ video (this video blew my fucking head off. In one fell swoop Nergal just changed the reason metal bands make videos),

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Dane Cook – Retaliation (so late to the DC party, just heard it this year, hilarious)—

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