Kult-Doom/Prog Metal-Band Green Carnation vor Comeback
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2 von 5METAL HAMMER Alben des Monats von 2000-2009Foto: METAL HAMMER. All rights reserved.
3 von 5METAL HAMMER Alben des Monats von 2000-2009Foto: METAL HAMMER. All rights reserved.
4 von 5Green Carnation - The Acoustic Verses
5 von 5Green Carnation- Journey To The End Of The Night
Green Carnation wurden mit ihrem Album LIGHT OF DAY, DAY OF DARKNESS in den frühen 2000ern zur Kultband unter Prog und Avantgarde Metal-Fans. Zuletzt machten sie 2007 mit der Show und der DVD A NIGHT UNDER THE DAM von sich reden.
Sieben Jahre später soll das Konzert jetzt seine Fortsetzung finden:
Am 31. Juli 2014 kehren Green Carnation mit greeANOTHER NIGHT UNDER THE DAM zurück an die Öffentlichkeit. Die Konzept-Show soll Songs aller fünf Alben der Norweger und ein Akustikset beinhalten.
Die Comeback-Show von Green Carnation soll am gleichen Ort wie A NIGHT UNDER THE DAM stattfinden, tief in den bergen Süd-Norwegens.
Das Statement von Green Carnation-Sänger Kjetil Nordhus zum Comeback:
“The first Under the Dam was a very special evening for us. People from USA, Italy, Netherlands, Ireland and a few more countries found their way deep into the Norwegian mountains. We hope to create something very unique again. It wasn’t really an option to redo exactly what we did last time, and we will be working hard to give the audience more than they expect”, founding member Tchort says
“This is not something that has been in the pipeline at all. I think neither of us really expected ever to get together as Green Carnation again. But when we had a chance to play Under The Dam again, we sat down, discussed the possibilities and it was soon clear that this was something we were all very much up for. We are all in a different stage of our lives now, and simply cannot wait to work creatively together again.”
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