Kreator, Pantera, Primordial und Co kommentieren Black Sabbath


In unserer ausführlichen Titel-Geschichte der März-Ausgabe 2012 geht es um Black Sabbath, die Krebs-Erkrankung von Tony Iommi – und natürlich die legendäre Songs von Black Sabbath. Wir haben diverse Bands befragt und Kommentare zur Song-Geschichte der einflussreichsten Heavy Metal-Band aller Zeiten bekommen.

Im Heft findet ihr noch deutlich mehr Songs, Bands, Meinungen – online gibt es aber ebenso exklusive Beiträge:

Mille Petrozza / Kreator:

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt erst sehr spät zu Black Sabbath gekommen, da ich eher mit Maiden, Priest und Co.aufgewachsen bin. Als es dann Anfang der 90er bei mir gefunkt hat, war ‘Symptom of the Universe’ mein absolutes Lieblingsstück. Der Song hat einfach alles; ein unglaublich gutes Riff, einen Killer-Groove und einen geheimnisvollen Text.Oder weiß jemand, worum es bei dem Song geht?

Philip H. Anselmo / Down, Pantera:

I was 14-years old and I had a friend who had this killer Heavy Metal collection, and we would both go out and buy all the new and/or old records we could and listen for hours.  ‚Black Sabbath‘ was one of, if not THE favorite band for both of us.  We’d worn out the ‚Paranoid‘ and ‚Master of Reality‘.  One day my friend called me up and said, „Dude…. you are gonna freak on this Sabbath record, ‚Sabotage’…“  Anyway, later that day, I was absolutely blown away.  Of course the first song on the record was „Hole In The Sky“, hence the lasting impression. The main riff to that tune is still 100% pure down-picking Heavy Metal at it’s best, and friggin‘ Ozzy sounds like some crazed, wailing demon screeching from atop his own unique throne. DAMN! Gotta love it. And I still do!!!!!!

Alan Nemtheanga / Primordial:

‘Headless Cross ’ is easily the most under rated, over looked period of Sabbath is the mid 80s Tony Martin era. What strikes me most if you bring it up is the amountof Sabbathsnobbery that exists among traditional fans who assume these albums are worthless without ever having listened to them. Listen up, abbath is about Iommi and no one else and through thick and thin he’s stubbornly refused to bow to any commercial pressure or give in. If you’ve decided not to bother with any albums after Dio or even after Gillan it’s your loss because HEADLESS CROSS, TYR and my personal favourite ETERNAL IDOL  (and yeah let’s shout out SEVENTH STAR with Glenn Hughes also) are massive slabs of epic heavy metal. Sure ok the trappings and stylings of the 70s are gone and maybe so are some of the nuances of the Dio era but the riffs by god the riffs! and for a vocal nerdTony Martin is technically the best singer Sabbath ever had! Yeah I did saythat. Not to mention you get Cozy Powell into the bargain. Do yourself a favour, don’t be a Sabbath snob it’s tiring and dull. If you worship at thealtar of THE RIFF then Iommi is the master and HEADLESS CROSS effortlessly proves it….

Scott Ian / Anthrax:

‘Black Sabbath’ was the first song I ever heard from Black Sabbath. I was 8 years old in my uncle’sroom (he was 18) looking at his records and I pulled out the first Sabbath album and asked „What’s Black Sabbath?“ My uncle replied, „It’s Acid Rock.“ He put it on and in his weird dark room with blacklight posters all over the walls the sounds of that storm and the bell ringing and then Tony’s guitar riff comes in and it scared the shit out of me! Of course I went and bought every Black Sabbath record after that!

Leif Edling / Candlemass:

‘Never Say Die’ is one of my favourite Sabbath tracks, from an album that honestly wasn’t really up to par with the rest of their previous records! NSD is a groovy motherfucker of a song with a heavy straightforward verse + a very cool kinda “unusual” chorus. When i’m dj’ing at metal clubs and other places I play this tune nearly every time. The song ‘Never Say Die’ might be one of Sabbaths more undiscovered songs, but one that i personally dig alot!

Andreas Völkl / Equilibrium:

Von ‘Paranoid’ war ich schon recht früh begeistert, als ich es als 7jähriger von meinem Vater auf Kassette bekommen hatte. Zweifelsohne auch der beste Soundtrack den man in den 90ern für eine Tankstellenwerbung verwenden konnte! An diesem Lied kommt kein Metaller und Gitarrist vorbei – Welt-Metal-Erbe!“

Oskar Montelius / Sabaton:

I hadn’t heard anything this heavy until I heard ‘Symptom Of The Universe’. A great riff, heavy drums and aggressive vocals. I really like the „soft“ ending of the song. It is completely different to the rest but still fits perfectly.

Dave Chandler / Saint Vitus:

The first Sabbath song that I ever heard was ‘Sabbath Boody Sabbath’. IT FUCKED ME UP! And changed my whole idea of rock and metal! I thank them for that, and I can describe BLACK SABBATH in one word: fathers. Tony, Ozzy, Bill, Geezer…WE LOVE YOU ALLLLL!!”

Anna Murphy / Eluveitie:

Einen so dermaßen geilen Bass einspielen und den dann auch noch so schön laut mischen ist mir einfach schon mal sympathisch. Für mich ist ‘After Forever‘ der rockige „gute Laune Song“ des Albums. Mich hat der Text des Songs schon etwas überrascht, aber mich stört ein wenig Christenliebe eigentlich nicht groß, solange der Sound stimmt.

Billy Graziadei / Biohazard:

It’s tough to pick a Black Sabbath song when someone asks me which one means a lot to me. Black Sabbath fucking kills and I’m going to have to pick ‘After Forever’ for a few reasons. On the cover album NIB, we were asked to pick a Black Sabbath song from a list of choices. All the other bands who we were friends of ours picked the moreknown Sabbath songs, for us, After Forever was a great choice. We went into the studio with our producer Ed Stasium and recorded our versions of After Forever which rocks! There’s no comparison to Black Sabbath, all you can do is pay your respects to the Almighty Black Sabbath as best as you can!

Craig Locicero / Forbidden:

I heard ‘Iron Man’ on vinyl for the first time when I was very, very young. It seemed to ooze of of the record player and into my ears. Quite frankly, it both spoke to me and scared the crap outa me! So began my love affair with heavy metal.

Christofer Johnsson / Therion:

Got the album SABOTAGE for Christmas when I was 12 years old. Listened to it again and again the entire holiday. Still think of childhood Christmas when I hear ‘Megalomania’.

Henkka Klingenberg / Sonata Arctica:

Having only heard ‘Paranoid’ before it came as a nice surprise to find out that that’s probably one of the poorer Black Sabbath tracks. ‘War Pigs’ was the first BS song I learned to play on the bass in my early teens and there’s still something magical about how this song is built, with all the breaks and stuff.

Olivier Gabriel / Benighted:

The song ‘Black Sabbath’ is a fuckin’ haunted song, dark, the soundtrack of death!! We can guess a pentagram drawn on the floor with virgin’s blood, candles and the end of the world. A must-have.

Stian Fossum / Devil:

Even though I’m a purist also when it comes to Black Sabbath, I’d like to say a little something about ‘Falling Off The Edge Of The World’. Of course I was only a kid when these albums came, and had no idea how important Sabbath would be to me. And thissong is to this day the only non-Ozzy song that can measure up to the first six albums. And a few years back, I got the chance to see Heaven and Hell, but eager and anxious, I got WAY to drunk. So I woke up in our motorhome late at night, hearing Falling Off the Edge of the World like three kilometres away…. Luckily I got to see them again, and that time I was careful not to get toodrunk. ALL HAIL BLACK SABBATH!!!

Tuomas Saukkonen / Before The Dawn:

The main riff of ‘Sabbath Bloody Sabbath’ was THE FIRST metal riff I ever learned and and one of the few riffs I ever actually learned since discovered in the age of 8 that it is much cooler to make your own riffs instead of playing already done songs. Playing that riff all over again I learned most of the basics where I built my whole playing later on.

Isaac Delahaye / Epica:

Back in 2004 I covered‘Children Of The Grave’ with God Dethroned for the release show of ‚The Lair of the White Worm‘. In a certain way it has a sort of black metal vibe to it. Very hypnotic.

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