Hört hier zuerst den neuen Tribulation-Song ‘In The Dreams Of The Dead’!


Mit THE CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT erscheint am 17. April das dritte Album von Tribulation. Hört hier die Song-Auskopplung ‘In The Dreams Of The Dead’ in der Premiere:

Die Band erklärt den Sound von THE CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT:

“You shouldn’t expect an album filled with blastbeats and double pedals,” the band warn. “This record is more back-to-basics, more streamlined but at the same time it sees some of our most strange stuff to date. It’s a big album – dark and atmospheric – and is without a doubt a step in our very own direction and our best work so far.”

Die textliche Ausrichtung ihres neuen Albums wird von Tribulation so charakterisiert:

“Most of our lyrics are about the experience of transcending the mundane world as we know it,” the band explain. “They are about approaching the divine, or whatever you choose to call it, and how you go about doing that. Tribulation will always be about both horror and religion / spirituality, with a ‘necromantic’ take on everything…we touch on things in the outskirts of it all, in the periphery.”


01. Strange Gateways Beckon

02. Melancholia
03. In The Dreams Of The Dead

04. Winds

05. Själaflykt
06. The Motherhood Of God

07. Strains Of Horror
08. Holy Libations
09. Cauda Pavonis
10. Music From The Other

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