Hört hier zuerst den neuen George-Kollias-Song ‘Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead’!


Mit Nile konnte sich Drummer George Kollias in Death Metal-Kreisen bereits einen Namen machen. Nun veröffentlicht der Grieche mit INVICTUS am 18. Mai sein erstes Solo-Album. Die Songs wurden komplett allein von Kollias geschrieben und aufgenommen. Außerdem gibt es Gastauftritte von Mitgliedern von Nile, Rotting Christ, Firewind und weiteren Bands.

Hört hier den ersten Solo-Song von George Kollias ‘Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead’:

George Kollias selbst erklärt zum Song: „Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead is a fast song at the 260bpm range. It is not to easy, but a lot of fun to play and one of my favourites from my album. I really like that tempo range, which I always thought fits my drumming style well, but I also love the aggression that comes out of this song. It is not just the drumming that does it, but the riffs… the vocals…. or all as one. The percussion is really important for ‚Shall Rise‘ and the rest of album as well. I spent plenty of time to find exactly what fits each composition. For this song, I went with big war drums to make it as epic as possible! I am very happy how this song turned out exactly how I envisioned it while writing. Yet having George Emmanuel from Rotting Christ adding a guitar solo made this one of my personal highlights. George nailed it!“

Zur Arbeit an seinem ersten Solo-Album sagt Kollias: „This solo project contains exactly what the word ’solo‘ describes: one musician writing all music and lyrics as well as performing all the instruments. I can honestly say, the only reason I have recorded this album is the fans asked for this to happen. I am happy that I did it and more excited than ever for the future of this project! I enjoyed recording it more than anything. I also had to pleasure to have some really important guests, which made this album even more special to me.“

INVICTUS könnt ihr hier vorbestellen.


01. Echoes of Divinity
02. Invictus
03. The Passage
04. Aeons of Burning Galaxies

05. Shall Rise/Shall Be Dead

06. Voices

07. Treasures of Nemesis
08. Apocalypse
09. Epitaph
10. Through Empty Eyes of Light 11. Buried under the Flames

Bonus Tracks

12. Aeons of Burning Galaxies (R.Cooley Shred Version)

13. Voices (E. Karadimas Vox Version)
14. Epitaph (Drum Track)
15. Apocalypse (A. Trapalis Violin Version)

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