Hört hier exklusiv das neue Periphery-Album JUGGERNAUT: OMEGA im Stream


Am 23. Januar veröffentlichen Periphery ihr Doppelalbum JUGGERNAUT: ALPHA/JUGGERNAUT: OMEGA. Das zweiteilige Konzeptalbum handelt von der Geburt und Wiedergeburt eines Charakters, der zwischen Gut und Böse schwankt.

Hört bereits jetzt den kompletten ‘Omega’-Teil von Peripherys neuem Album hier:

on .

Drummer Matt Halpern erklärt zu dem Doppelalbum:

„Given the nature and complexity of the ‘Juggernaut’ story, we’ve actually done something different and exciting in regards to the release. ’Juggernaut’ is a story that is told through our music, and we want our audience to fully digest the whole experience. Because ‘Juggernaut’ is very detailed and dense in terms of character development, peaks and valleys, climaxes and resolutions we’ve divided the story and music in two, in the form of two separate albums. ‘Juggernaut: Alpha’, the first part of the story, focuses on the back story and character development, while part two/album two, ‘Juggernaut: Omega’, focuses on some pretty serious and gut-wrenching events, taking you for a thrill ride along the main character’s complex journey. Although the albums are split in two physically, the story is only complete when the albums are digested consecutively, allowing the listener to recognize and hear the lyrical and musical overlapping themes, foreshadowing, and connected ideas.“

Das Album ist hier erhältlich.

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