Hört hier MASSIVE CAULDRON OF CHAOS von 1349 in der Premiere:
Das neue Album MASSIVE CAULDRON OF CHAOS von 1349 erscheint am 04.10.2014. Die norwegischen Black Metaller melden sich damit nach virjähriger Wartezeit zurück.
1349 besteht aus Ravn, Archaon, Seidemann und Frost.
Die Band kommentiert das neue Album MASSIVE CAULDRON OF CHAOS:
„We entered the studio with an idea of putting everything that 1349 has ever been about into a cauldron, stir it well, and pour in some fresh ingredients – as well as some strange old ones – and come up with our most potent elixir ever. And we brought the spirit to match the ambitious attempt. Boil, boil, toil and trouble…Behold! We have made the most delightfully intoxicating and dangerous potion you can dream of. FEEL THE FIRE! And Hail Hell.“
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