Für den A/V Club haben GWAR ein Cover von Pet Shop Boys‘ ‘West End Girls‘ aufgenommen. Die Band nutzte die Gelegenheit, den Text des Pop-Hits zu einer Hommage an tote Kollegen, Freunde und ihren ehemaligen Fronter Oderus Urungus umzuschreiben.
Oderus Urungus alias Dave Brockie war seit der Bandgründung 1984 Mitglied von GWAR, verstarb aber im März diesen Jahres im Alter von 50 Jahren an einer Überdosis Heroin. Die Band hat ihrem ehemaligen Fronter bereits durch ein Zeremonie gedacht, bei der das Bühnenkostüm Brockies ähnlich wie bei einer Wikingerbeerdigung auf dem Hadad’s Lake in Virginia verbrannt wurde.
Das GWAR-Cover könnt ihr hier sehen, den veränderten Songtext darunter:
People Who Died (GWAR-Version)
- Robin slashed his wrist and then he hung from a rope.
- Peter’s heart gave out after he’d kicked dope.
- Jeff, bit by a spider, died of toxic shock.
- Ryan drove his car right into a rock.
Cancer brought down Castleman.
- Damn it, David. I miss you, man!
- Those are people who died, died. (x4)
- They were all my friend and they died.
Sean was beat to death by the Boston PD.
- Drunk in his cell, no more Death Piggy.
Dimebag was shot by a lunatic fan.
- Mike Scaccia died with a guitar in his hand.
- Those were three more friends of mine.
- Three more friends that died.
- Crazy White Sean, how crazy could it get,
- That he choked in a chat on the internet.
Cory died in his bunk at a border crossing,
- The gap in his teeth still in need of a flossing.
Cory, I miss you my brother.
- You left little Cory without a father.
Dave died alone in his chair in his room.
- He had just turned 50, it was way too soon.
Oderus’ boat went up in flames,
- Now all of Vallhalla chants his name!
- Oderus, I miss you more than all the others.
- I salute you my brother!
- Oderus died, died. (x4)
- He was all of our friend and he died.
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