Großes Jahresend-Special: Die Stars der Szene blicken zurück


Name: John Gahlert

Band: Deadlock

Instrument: Gesang

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Kreator „Phantom Antichrist“

Ulver „Childhood’s End“

Alchemyst „Nekromantheion“

Paradise Lost “Tragic Idol”

Dew-Scented “Icarus”

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Unsere Deadlock Russland-Minitour. Mit der transsibirischen Eisenbahn einmal quer durch‘s Land. Eine echte Zeitreise…wunderschön und absolut sehenswert.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Heaven Shall Burn live auf dem With Full Force 2012! No further words…

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Die neue Frisur von Miley Cyrus, gefolgt von der Erkenntnis, dass Miley Cyrus kein Philtrum hat. Jetzt ergibt das alles Sinn…

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Ein kalter, grim-frostiger Snowboardwinter, gefolgt von einem herausragenden Festivalsommer, einem neuen Deadlock-Album, einer größeren Herbst-Tour quer durch Europa und das 2013’er Metal Hammer Jahresspecial! Full Strike!

Name: Markus Vanhala

Band: Omnium Gatherum / Insomnium

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Anathema: Weather System

Van Halen: Different Kind Of Truth

Slash: Apocalyptic Love

Rush: Clockwork Angels

Paradise Lost: Tragic Idol

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Best musical moment this year was of course to hear the finished master of the up-coming new album first time, it’s always a magical rewarding experience after all the countless of hours and days of work! Of course another milestone moment this year was the moment when all the material for the new album is composed, demoed and rehearsed with the band and then on the final rehearsals you can catch your breath and think that this gem is ready to be caught on tape! 

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

My private life’s been really fulfilled with music this year as nowadays i’m also playing in Insomnium beside OG, so when OG was in album writing-mode i had at the same time really busy concert-year with Insomnium including LOTS of perfect rock’n’roll trips. First trip to Japan was something i’ll always remember, as it was soooo cool and great that i couldn’t even imagine that, as also the 5 week US tour supporting Epica which was perfect from the beginning to the end.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Omnium Gatherum’s „the new album is now ready including pre-christmas parties“ with the band and the crew in a cabin in the woods was a parties to remember. We were given as a present from our mexican fan these Mexican superhero wrestling masks and many bottles of real mexican tequila and not import shit, so we drank ‚em all and wore those masks all night ‚til the dawn during the beautiful autumn in a beach cottage. Nice brotherhood!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Worldwide scale small but kinda shocking thing was when during our rehearsals a mad psychopathic neighbor came with an axe & crowbar, and shouted and bashed and destroyed the street level windows and doors and houses electric center (too bad our rehearsing room was connected to another circuit, haha). We didn’t see him on action, but we just saw all he had done after we quit the rehearsals. There’s lots of schizos out there, so beware. We don’t know if someone of us had gone out for like a cigarette during that thing, he might be dead and having an axe in his head and crowbar thru the heart.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Really really looking forward to get the new Omnium Gatherum album out in late February and hit the road with the booyas and rule the stages! The album is incredible and we again show that it always gets better and better, even i thought i’m having hard time to top the latest „New World Shadows“ album. But i easily did it, haha! See ya on the road folks!

Name: Kjartan Ericsson.

Band: Ribozyme

Instrument: Guitar and vocals.

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

I have to say King animal by Soundgarden… It was just so great to hear those guys on a new recording. The band was such an influence to me when I was growing up and started making music. The bassist Ben Shepherd must be the toughest man in rock and Kim Thayil is my favorite guitarist..

Other 2012 releases I appreciate:

Deftones- Koi no Yokan.

Franc Ocean-Channel orange.

Baroness-Yellow and green.

Cancer bats-Dead set on living.

What was your most memorable band-moment?

We played with Opeth I Bergen/Norway in the summer. It was so great because we wasn’t sure if how their fans would react to our music. We sounded great that night and the crowd loved us. Big moment for us!

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

I have been given the chance to produce music for television and have been working as a radio host on national radio in Norway this year. Its surreal to one day make humor on radio for 200 000 listeners and the next day playing a gig for a 150 people in a bar… still prefer the bar though….

Which was the biggest party of the year?

Our release party in our hometown was amazing and also the whole “Presenting the problem” tour with El caco was one big party.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

We played at masters of rock in Check republic this summer. That was an overwhelming experience!!!!

It was like someone had made the festival version of Lord of the rings but only with good wibes and happy people…. We stayed there for 3 days, drinking and shouting with great people…. It moved me…. 

What do you expect from 2013?

We have started writing new songs and that is a challenging and exiting period to be a member in Ribozyme.. Looking forward to touring and to work in the studio.

Name: Jill Janus

Band: Huntress

Instrument: Sängerin

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

I don’t listen to new releases, really.

What was your most memorable band-moment?

Touring the globe relentlessly with my band Huntress in 2012. It’s been an intense year for the boys and myself. We’ve become stronger musicians and more humble. There’s no time for diva antics on the road.

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

Well, if I told you, it wouldn’t be private anymore!

Which was the biggest party of the year?

Sadly, I haven’t had time for parties in 2012. It’s really been a year of hard work. I’ll party after Huntress releases our third album! Just give me a few years to earn your respect.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

I received messages from deep space. I fell into a trance. Those messages will be revealed on the next Huntress album in 2013.

What do you expect from 2013?

Recording and releasing our second album with Napalm Records and touring non-stop. We have some big announcements to come! Shred it, spread it, behead it!

Name: Hati

Band: VARG

Instrument: Gitarre

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

1. Danko Jones – Rock and Roll is black and blue

2. Freiwild – Feinde deiner Feinde

3. Wintersun – Time I

4. Der W – III

5. Eluveitie – Helvetios

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Der Moment, als uns klar wurde, dass wir dieses Jahr noch über den großen Teich fliegen und eine ausgedehnte USA/Kanada Tour fahren werden. 

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Meine Verlobung!

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Diese kommt erst noch. Und zwar am 21. Dezember 2012, wenn wir  in Boston unseren letzten Tourtag feiern und parallel die Welt untergeht. 

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Die Spritpreise! 

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Weiterhin mit meinen VARG-Jungs durch die Welt touren und die wohl beste Zeit meines Lebens haben.

Name: Mr. Seidel

Band: TrollfesT

Instrument: Guitar

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

Gojira – L’Enfant Sauvage

Meshuggah – Koloss

Katatonia – Dead End Kings

Wintersun – Time 1

Borknagar – Urd

What was your most memorable band-moment?

Must be this years MetalCamp! We did our first ever acoustic show down at the beach-area and the day after got to perform our entire new album on the mainstage in front of thousands of crazy people! And off course the release of our fifth album Brumlebassen!

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

When my better half bought me my new shiny white guitar!!

Which was the biggest party of the year?

The tour we did together with Korpiklaani in April and Heidenfest 2012. None stop partying! 

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

Seeing Metallica for the millionth time here in Oslo was the moment that moved me the most! They never seize to amaze! Anyone not agreeing with me can go and nit me a Justin Bieber sweater!  

What do you expect from 2013?

That the world will continue existing after the 21th of December!  


Name: Lukas Kerk

Band: Dawn of Disease

Instrument: Gitarre

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

1. Maladie – Plague Within

2. Deadborn – Mayhem Maniac Machine

3. Testament – Dark Roots Of Earth

4. Unleashed – Odalheim

5. ZZ Top – La Futura

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Unsere Show bei Remedy Records in Hamburg. Vor ca. 30 Leuten in einem CD-Laden zu spielen war ein ganz besonderes Erlebnis. Das Publikum und wir hatten riesigen Spaß!

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Der Tod meines Opas. R’n‘RIP Berni!

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Wie jedes Jahr: Das Rock Hard Festival! Wenn vier Tage Festival zu einem verschmelzen ist alles in bester Ordnung.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Die unaufhaltbare Verdummung und Abstumpfung der Menschen.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Mit Dawn of Disease weiter auf der Bühne stehen und hoffentlich ein Haufen guter Metal Releases!

Name: Alex Vega

Instrument: Guitar

Band: Steelwing

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Christian Mistress – Possession

RAM – Death

Witchcraft – Legend

Antichrist – Forbidden World

Graveyard – Lights Out

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Metalfest croatia. After a lot of trouble during the Day. From almost not playing at all to be the last band of the whole festival and the crowd was totally insane after the messed up wasp and megadeth shows earlier that day.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

My own travel through europe and meeting up with friends and fans.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

The mayhem we made on the wintertour with skull Fist. Up’s and down’s. It was wicked.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

This shouldn’t shock me but still it does. I’m amazed of the stagnation of human kind. the neutrility we have towards us and our environment. Sadly I don’t think it Will change and we are right now digging our own graves.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

We are hoping to give out our third album next years. Otherwise nothing will change. Continuation of destruction and decay.

Name: Tarek „MS“ Maghary


Instrument: Gesang

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

ACCEPT – Stalingrad

GRAVE DIGGER – Clash Of The Gods

PRIMAL FEAR – Unbreakable

KISSIN´ DYNAMITE – Money, Sex And Power

STEELWING – Zone Of Alienation

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Der Tag an dem unser Comeback Album „Thunder Rider“ komplett im Kasten war und wir es zum ersten Mal komplett am Stück hörten. Man ist dann einfach unglaublich froh, dass alles so geworden ist wie man es geplant hat und ist tierisch stolz.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Zu merken, dass man Familie und Freunde hat die einen auch bei sehr belastenden juristischen Auseinandersetzungen unterstützen und einem Helfen diese Kämpfe durchzustehen.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Ein BBQ von einem guten Freund, welches dann im Party Keller mit diversen Spirituosen endete. Ich habe dann aber gemerkt, dass man sich nach so einer Party nicht mal mehr auf ein Fahrrad setzen sollte – aber naja, manche Parties interlassen halt auch körperliche Spuren.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Neben vielen welt- und finanzpolitischen Dingen hat mich der Tod von Jon Lord sehr bewegt und schockiert, da er wirklich ein musikalischen Genie war.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Mit MAJESTY richtig Gas zu geben und soviele Shows zu spielen wie noch nie zu vor. Die kommende Tour im Januar ist da sicher ein guter Anfang.

Name: Oscar Dronjak

Band: HammerFall

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Accept: Stalingrad

KISS: Monster

Dynazty: Sultans Of Sin

H.E.A.T.: Address The Nation

Tiamat: Scarred People

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

The anniversary gig at Dalhalla, it was the biggest, longest, most exclusive and special show we have ever done, and it was an absolute blast! We recorded it for a DVD/Blu-Ray release that just came out, so everyone who is interested to see what this was all about can do so.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

When we got a new dog. It was really in November last year, but I was on tour when my girlfriend bought him and didn’t get to know him properly until after Christmas. Now he follows me around wherever I go.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Without a doubt, the 70-year anniversary my girlfriend and I staged in September. We both had big birthdays this year so we thought we’d combine them into one big celebration, so we fixed a stage in a warehouse-type building on our property, invited all our friends and had karaoke and table tennis and lots, and lots of alcohol. To top it off, one of my all-time favourite bands Jävlaranamma came and played a specially designed set for us, and I even got to be on stage singing with them in one of my favourite songs. Needless to say, it was the best night of the whole year for me!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

People’s general stupidity, as it does every year. Seems to get worse and worse, don’t people ever learn? For example, the earth was NOT created 6,000 years ago by some divine entity! And it scares the HELL out of me when people in office or power presents creationism as some sort of alternative to evolution. It’s not, it’s a made up thing! As Ricky Gervais constantly reminds us, you can have your own beliefs, but you can’t have your own facts.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

I am very happy with my life at the moment, and I expect 2013 to bring more of the same. We’re on a time out with HammerFall right now, so I will spend the year writing a biography about the band and playing with my other two bands, the resurrected satanic death metal act Ceremonial Oath and my heavy metal tribute band Metal Monarchs. At some point, I will have to start writing songs for the next HF album, but that’s not something I’m thinking about right now. When it’s time, it’s time. I will know.

Name: Mike Hranica

Band: The Devil Wears Prada

Instrument: Vocals/lyrics

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

Beach House – Bloom

Metric – Synthetica

Mewithoutyou – Ten Stories

Meshuggah – Koloss

Converge – All We Love We Leave Behind

What was your most memorable band-moment?

Getting to play with Slipknot and Slayer was incredible.  Mayhem was an awesome tour for us and I’m glad we were able to be a part of it over the summer.

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

Finally had a motorcycle built this year and started riding.

Which was the biggest party of the year?

Too many good times to mention. We like to have fun on tour.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

The Against Me! news really surprised me this year. I look forward to their upcoming release.

What do you expect from 2013?

Playing more shows as always, and I’m becoming more and more excited for our next record.  Also enthused for new music, particularly Nick Cave.

Name: Mem V. Stein


Instrument: Vocals

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

The Sword – Apocryphon

Gojira – L’Enfent Sauvage

High onFire – De Vermis Mysteriis

Cannibal Corpse – Torture

Overkill – The Electric Age

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?


Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Hurricane Sandy, on Long Island/NY October29/30!

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Video shoot for FIRE & DAMNATION video clip, Sao Paulo/Brazil, June 2!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Destructive force of Hurricane Sandy, on Long Island/NY October29/30!

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?


Name: Andreas Doerner

Band: Caliban

Instrument: Voice

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Architects – Daybreaker

Devil Sold His Soul – Empire Of Light

Deftones – Koi No Yokan

Coheed & Cambria – The Afterman Ascension

Converge – All We Love We Leave Behind

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Die Veröffentlichung von I Am Nemsis und die darauf folgende Tour war auf jeden fall ein Highlight für mich.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Ziemlich auf gleicher Stufe stehen mein erster Hochzeitstag und unser Hauskauf.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Der 5te Geburtstag von meiner kleinen Tochter.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Nicht schockiert, aber schon getroffen hat mich der Tod von Mitch Lucker. Auch wenn er quasi selbst an seinem Unfall die Schuld trägt war er einer von den guten!!! R.I.P

Krass waren dieses Jahr auch auf jeden Fall die Unwetter auf einigen Festivals mit den ganzen Verletzten und zum Teil auch toten Leuten. Und was geht eigentlich gerade mit den Nightliner, Unfall über Unfall…

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Ein Produktives und ereignisreiches Jahr soll es werden!!! Neue Platte steht ins Haus. Nach wie vor volle Häuser und Festivals, Energie geladene Leute und den Weltfrieden.

Name: Øystein G. Brun        


Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Ulver „Childhood’s End“

Kreator „Phantom Antichrist“

My Dying Bride „A Map of All our Failures“

God Seed „I Begin“

Vintersorg „Orkan“

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Doing the first show with Mr. Vortex again after our splitt back in 2000 and ofcourse with our new drummer Baard Kolstad- at the Inferno Festival 2012.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Must be the birthday gift I got from my parents this year. A 14 day vacation to Provence and in the meantime we got a brand new bathroom at home. Such things usually just happends on TV…haha..

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

The Inferno Festival, the whole thing is basically just a great party together with lots of good friends! Cheers to to the one and only- Gunnar S.!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

I think for any Norwegian the answere is obvious; the trail og A.B. Breivik. To young, brilliant minds from my local community got killed by this despot of humanity- so this really moved me and shocked me.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Starting to work on a new BORKNAGAR album and do some festivals over the summer. Also planning on releasing a new CRONIAN album early next year, which probably will be the best album I have ever done, so I am really exited about that as well.

Name: Jukka Koskinen

Band: Wintersun

Instrument: Bass

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

Marduk – „Serpent Sermon“

Anathema – „Weather Systems“

Lana Del Ray – „Born to Die“

Deftones – “Koi No Yokan“

Love and Death – „Chemicals“ EP

What was your most memorable band-moment?

Time I release. Took „a while“ to get it out, what a feeling! Hail us:)

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

Getting yourself back on track again. Life is beautiful.

Which was the biggest party of the year?

My dear friends got married.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

Opening your eyes and seeing everything in a new perspective. It’s moving how balanced you are with yourself.

What do you expect from 2013?

A heck of great shows with Wintersun supporting our new album!

Name: Arjen Anthony  Lucassen

Band: Ayreon, Star One

Instrument: Multi-instrumentalist

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

Coheed and Cambria – The  Afterman

Steve Hackett – Genesis Revisited  2

Jethro Tull – Thick as a Brick  2

Katatonia – Dead End  Kings

Devin Townsend –  Epicloud

What was your most memorable band-moment?

I don’t have a band, but I’d say the release and success of my solo album and starting a new  Ayreon album. 

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

I’m so NOT rock and  roll…so I’d say feeding our hungry duckies in our backyard.  Seriously, they each have a name 🙂

Which was the biggest party of the year?

You’re asking the biggest  recluse and most boring dude in the music business! Hmm…I guess our doggie Hoshi’s second birthday was pretty  wild. It was awesome how she played  with the balloons.  

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

I don’t read the papers and I  don’t watch TV…so I’m completely cut off from the outside world! Are we in  2012 right now? And what planet is this? 

What do you expect from 2013?

I hope to finish and  release my new Ayreon album and sell shitloads. So honestly, were these  the most boring answers you ever read or what?

Summer Breeze 2025: Alle Infos zum Open Air-Festival

METAL HAMMER präsentiert: Summer Breeze Open Air Datum Das Summer Breeze Open Air findet vom 13. bis zum 16. August 2025 statt. Veranstaltungsort Flugplatz des Aeroclub Dinkelsbühl. Adresse: Flugplatzstr. 1 91550 Dinkelsbühl Tickets 3-Tages-Tickets für das Summer Breeze 2025 sind ab 239,99 Euro verfügbar, Tages-Tickets ab 89,99 Euro -> Line-up In dieser Liste gibt es regelmäßige Updates – neu hinzugekommene Bands sind fett markiert. 3 Inches Of Blood Abbie Falls Adept Aephanemer Agnostic Front Allt Angelmaker Angelus Apatrida Annisokay April Art Arctis Asenblut ASP August Burns Red Avralize Baest Benighted Between The Buried And Me Blasmusik Illenschwang Blind Guardian…
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