Großes Jahresend-Special: Die Stars der Szene blicken zurück


Name: Phil Sgrosso

Band: As I Lay Dying

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Meshuggah– Koloss

Lana Del Rey- Born To Die

Muse– The 2nd Law

Deftones– Koi No Yokan

Gojira- L’Enfant Sauvage

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

I’d say the most memorable moment was sharing the stage with Metallica at Download and Nova Rock festival. It was pretty insane just to be setting up your gear next to theirs.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

The most memorable moment for me was filling in for Slipknot for a couple weeks on Mayhem festival. It was stressful learning 9 songs in 3 days but it was a blast to play with them.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

The biggest party of the year was our frat party that we threw on Mayhem festival.  One for the history books!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

I think I was the most moved by seeing The Wall performed live by Roger Waters.  It was mind blowing and very inspiring to see the album performed so flawlessly with insane production.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

The zombie apocalypse

Name: Andre Matos

Band: Andre Matos

Instrument: Vocals

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

First, my new solo record, „The Turn of the Lights“. And before you ask: no, that’s not some kind of bad cliche and I’m not using this answer for making some unrequested self-propaganda… The point is: I’ve been so involved in the new album production that I barely had time to look around for too many new releases. And when the album was accomplished and released, it was surprisingly good sounding, so I kept listening to it for many months long, over and over again. I guess I had a sort of „overdose“ of it; right now I’m taking a break and maybe will listen back to it again only in 2013.

And then, yes – one great release, which I got on CD: Peter Gabriel’s „New Blood“ – where he performs his classic songs together with a Symphony Orchestra. Not just any ordinary Symphony Orchestra, not just any ordinary orchestral arrangements. It’s a masterpiece!

I’ve also listened to Steve Harris‘ solo album. Interesting, especially the lyrical part! He’s always been a gifted songwriter; it sounds somehow fresher than the latest Maiden stuff. Another side, that probably wouldn’t fit to the usual Maiden structure.

Paradise Lost has been one of my favourite bands, since the release of the album „Symbol of Life“. This year they came with „Tragic Idol“, which differs from the melodic path they have chosen in between, and recalls their origins as a „doom-gothic-metal“ act. The album, though, overloads originality and quality. They’re one of the few honest remaining bands in the whole metal scene, together with Rammstein. Nothing against the rest, but those two are quite special. Also looking forward for the new Rammstein album in 2013. 

At last, I was pleased with Europe’s last album, „Bag of Bones“. I already liked a lot their change of direction at the previous „Last Look at Eden“ and they seem to have continued exploring that nice flair. This is a band which is making their way through the aging process, with lots of elegance and class.  

What was your most memorable band-moment?

In 2012? The reunion tour with Viper, my first band. This year we celebrated the 25th anniversary of our first album, „Soldiers of Sunrise“ and we managed to gather all members from the classic line-up for a special tour with over 30 sold-out concerts. It was a very good feeling to join my old band mates on stage, play the complete set list of both two first albums and perceive how popular the band and the songs still are. A DVD has been recorded and will come out soon – however, the tour was meant to last only until December 2012, due to our other priorities, such as my solo band. In the meanwhile, we have also performed as the opening act for Kiss‘ concerts in South America, which was something extremely funny. Unforgettable!

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

All the moments that I could spend with my family – my wife and kids – in Sweden, where I reside. Those single moments become somehow magic and special when you are a musician and spend lots of time away from home. Simple is good, less is more. Sometimes, dish-washing can be a very exciting (and dangerous!) experience, when you’re not doing your usual work on stage!

Which was the biggest party of the year?

Although I’m no north-american citizen – but definitely a citizen of the world – I believe it was Barack Obama’s re-election, which in the end has probably spared us all from a possible third world-war for the next few years! And, on the other hand, the fact that noone could lay a hand on Julian Assange yet! It’s people like him that we need to keep alive, to help on opening eyes and minds by saying the truth.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

The recent bombing over Gaza promoted by the Israeli government, for some criminal political reasons. (By the way, there’s a song in my new album, called „Gaza“, which somehow had predicted it, many months ago.)

In addition, the whole Euro-crisis, the Arabian street riots, the killing of native indians in the Amazon, they’ve all moved me. Not to mention Anders Breivik court trial regarding the 2011’s bloodbath in… Norway! It was nicer when they just used to burn down churches there before…

What do you expect from 2013?

It’s hard to expect: I can only hope!

First, I hope the Mayans were wrong! (Probably when you read this, it will be about time to comprove it or not!)

I also do hope the world will face a more serious debate about the entire global situation. It’s absolute necessary to leave the imaginary bubbles we’re confined into, and finally start to uncover all big corporative lies, governmental lies, religious lies, racist lies. It’s necessary to engage ourselves and slow down this kind of selfish-consumerist behaviorism that we’re compelled every single minute to go for. The System is proven to be fallible and fragile; the world still have its huge gaps getting enlarged, there’s a real battle out there in social and environmental terms, we still depend on oil for basically everything. And if someone thinks that what I’m talking about now is bullshit, well… I could reply with a good-sounding „fuck you“. But I won’t – because we’re all gonna stick together in the same boat when it starts to sink down. Still, we’re on time to correct its course, altogether. There are good people everywhere, who want a better place for all and don’t hesitate to reach a helping hand. It’s only a matter of courage, trust, and some real action at last.

Cheers – and an extreme, intense new year to everyone!! 

Name: Mark  ‚Barney‘ Greenway

Band: Napalm Death

Instrument: Lungs /Tthroat

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

In no particular order…

Swans – The Seer

Slang – Glory Outshines Doom

Converge – All We Love We Leave Behind

Unsane – Wreck

Killing Joke – MMXII

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

We always try to be a trail-blazing band in finding new places to play, so I would have to say both playing in Nepal and also the benefit shows we undertook in the tsunami-hit areas of Japan, which are still a mess after all this time. Both humbling experiences which showed the worst of what human – and animal – kind has to go through. It all reinforced the need to understand what humanity really should mean.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Nothing earth-shatteringly large as a single event, but without trying to sound pretentious I yearn for most days to be relatively memorable. I don’t want to look back at any year and conclude that it was very narrow in scope. Clarity in my love-life might also be nice for once!

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

The one where I was let loose in the Vegan Wonderland cafe in Dortmund and almost put myself into a sugar coma. All my dietary caution was buried that day. I still get the sugar sweats thinking about it.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Currently I find the Israel-Palestine situation entirely depressing. I don’t condone violence toward any being, but while the state of Israel effectively annexes and impoverishes Palestine and refuses to have it operate as an independent entity the violence will inevitably continue. Extreme nationalism or religious lunacy from anywhere does not help, but a fully militarised state unleashing on an annexed neighbour has seen acts commited that I would view as crimes against humanity. Naturally I equally feel sympathy for Israelis who get caught in the middle of this and who, overall, seem to just want peace and co-existence.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

I expect those who have all the power to understand that they do not have divine right to it. The 99% have spoken in 2012 and they rightly want real representation and redistribution – not tokenism. I also want Napalm to be discovering brand new places to play around the world, and to hopefully give the people in those places some good grindcore memories.

Name: Thomas Gurrath

Band: Debauchery / Blood God

Instrument: Gitarre + „Gesang“

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

3 Inches of Blood: Long live Heavy Metal

Manowar: Lord of Steel

Kiss: Monster

Accept: Stalingrad

und das neue Prong Album

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Der Namens- und Image Wechsel von Big Ball zu Blood God. Das war für mich eine schwere Entscheidung, allerdings macht sie mir jetzt das Leben deutlich leichter. Und jetzt gibt es eine coole neue Blood God CD im Handel, das wäre davor in dieser Art und Weise nicht möglich gewesen.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Es gab viele, alle haben etwas mit Frauen zu tun. Sowohl gute Momente, wie traurige. Mein Privatleben ist völliges Chaos.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Party ist doch jede Woche irgendwo, an die meisten kann ich mich nicht mal mehr erinnern. Allerdings ist Party auch immer nur ein anderer Begriff für Alkoholkonsum. Für mich sind Partys ein Art und Weise abzuschalten und meinem ganzen Stress zu entfliehen. Also trifft man sich irgendwo und betrinkt sich.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Na zum einen sind das natürlich die gleichen Dinge wie oben, Momente im Privatleben und dem persönlichen Musikerdasein. Und dann noch die Dinge, die mich auf gesamtgesellschaftlicher Ebene ankotzen: Währungskrise und das inkompetente Verhalten der Politiker, Massentierhaltung, Tierquälerei, Milliarden Subventionen für die Fleischindustrie usw. – die Liste ließe sich beliebig verlängern…

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

2013 ist für mich wieder ein Debauchery Jahr. Ich bin gespannt, wie das neue Album ankommen wird und hoffe natürlich auf Zuspruch.

Name: Aaron

Band: My Dying Bride

Instrument: Vocals

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

The Seer – Swans

Observator – The Raveonettes

Anastasis – Dead Can Dance

Revolution – Lacrimosa

A Map Of All Our Failures – My Dying Bride (naturally)

What was your most memorable band-moment?

Finishing the new LP was amazing – it came together beautifully.

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

I decided to shave all my hair off, which was fun!

Which was the biggest party of the year?

When we played the 70,000 tones of metal cruise around the Caribbean – utterly amazing. We partied hard every day for 5 days on the high seas, hurrah!

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

The tragic death of movie director Tony Scott – he was one of the great cinematic visionaries and will be missed greatly.

What do you expect from 2013?

The first trip ever for My Dying Bride to South America and a new EP around April with more live shows and we’ll probably begin work on the next LP at the end of 2013 so a busy year ahead for us.

Name: Gus G.

Band: Ozzy Osbourne / Firewind

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

The Beatles – Magical Mystery Tour (re-issue)

Europe – Bag of Bones

Joe Bonamassa – Driving Towards the Daylight

Firewind – Few Against Many

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

The Ozzy & Friends tour in the summer and sharing the stage with 2 of my guitar idols – Slash & Zakk Wylde. And for Firewind, it was the success of our latest album “Few Against many” and going topping the charts in our home country.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

It was a family fuck up I had, so I can’t discuss this further.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

It’s going to happen in December in my house! And you’re all invited!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

The state of my country, Greece is at.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

I want to keep on doing what I do best, but most of all I want to be healthy in order to do that.

Name: De Smet-Van Damme Franky

Band: Channel Zero

Instrument: Vocals

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

1 Korn : The path of totality

2 Muse : The Second Law

3 Stone Sour : House of Gold & Bones

4 The Beatles : Full Itunes album collection

5 S.O.D :Speak Englisch or Die ( Itunes release 33 titles with extra live shit)

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Playing with Metallica in Werchter Boutique

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Seeing your daughter (10) play piano like a little queen 😉

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

70000 Tons of Metal in the Caribbean ;-))

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Inkompetence of Gouvernements and EU … we are living on a money system bubble that keeps getting more and more complex in our daily life … the question is ? … when will it explode ?

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Hoping that the Maya’s were wrong ;-)) …. I’m in for some touring in EU and elsewhere in the world with CZ lets ROCK !!!!

Name: Volk-Man


Instrument: Bass

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

GOJIRA L‘ Entfant Sauvage

EÏS Wetterkreuz

BE’LAKOR Of Breath And Bones

PROCLAMATION Nether Tombs Of Abaddon


Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

10 Länder in 20 Tagen. 15000 km mit dem Nightliner quer durch Europa. Unsere abenteuerlichste Reise. Die Liebe und Hingabe kennt keine Grenzen und sie kennt keine Sprache. Es ist eine alles durchdringende Energie. Gepaart mit einem Schuss Wahnsinn und Verrücktheit, ohne die keine Band bestehen kann.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Ich hab einen Sohn, der bald 5 Jahre wird. Viele Dinge, die er zum ersten Mal gemacht hat (Fahrrad fahren, schwimmen, ein Lied auf der Triola zum ersten Mal spielen etc.) sind magisch. Abgesehen davon, meine Reise in die rückständigste Gegend Europas (Maramuresch, Rumänien) hat mir wieder mal die Augen geöffnet, auf welchem Niveau hierzulande genölt und gejammert wird.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Justice in Berlin. Die spinnen, die Franzosen!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Bewegt hat vieles, schockiert… huch, das ist ein hartes, ein überstrapaziertes Wort einer aufmerksamsgeilen, mitteilungssüchtigen Gesellschaft. Mich bewegt, wie viele Leute angesichts schreiender Ungerechtigkeiten und Unterdrückung noch immer still sitzen, immer noch so tun, als ginge sie das alles nichts an.  

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Es wird schlimmer!

Name: J-F Dagenais

Band: Kataklysm

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

1 – Deftones ‚Koi No Yokan‘

2 –Testament ‚Dark Roots of Earth‘

3 – Cryptopsy ‚Cryptopsy‘

4 – Soundgarden ‚King Animal‘

5 – Ex Deo ‚Caligvla‘

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Performing live at Heavy MTL open air in Montreal, Canada was a special moment for me because its the city I grew up in and playing that show in front of 35 000 screeming metal fans was something to remember. I would also say our headlining American tour with Origin and Fleshgod Apocalypse was amazing and 3 Weeks touring all accross Russia traveling in trains all over all the way to Siberia was unforgettable.

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

I’d say enjoying the downtime between tours at home with my dogs, my friends and my woman. I feel priviliged to be surrounded by amazing people! Life is good in Dallas, Texas. there is never a doll moment!

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Oh it was a infamous party at Stephane Barbe’s house when we got the final version of the Kataklysm ‚Iron Will‘ dvd. We ordered pizzas, bought a lot of booze and watched the whole thing togheter with my boys. Was defenetly a epic moment to re-live our 20 years career in one evening.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

I’ll start with the unjustified emprisonnement of D. Randall blythe (Lamb of god) in Czech Republic, that was total horse shit and the (way too early) death of Mitch Lucker (Suicide Silence). Also on a more humoristic note, Snoop Dogg changing is name to Snoop Lion was quite a shock. hahahaha

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Im expecting a great year, I’m currently working on the best material we ever wrote with Kataklysm right now, I am super stocked about that! I hope for inprouvement in the music industry in 2013! I feel we are in the modern dark ages of music right now but lots of incredible records are coming out lately. Older bands are actually putting efforts in their music again and the underground is booming with killer new bands. A big metal cheers to everyone!

Name: Kelly D Smith

Band: Flotsam and Jetsam

Instrument: Drummer

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Stone Sour – House of Gold

Testament – Dark Roots oft eh Earth

In This Moment –Blood

Slash – Apocalyptic Love

Municipal Waste – The Fatal Feast

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Hearing the final mix of Ugly Noise from our new release

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

There is more than one… The day my son was born, the day my father passed, the day I married my wife.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Metal Blades 30 year anniversary

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Nothing really gets me too shook up anymore. After teh death of my father and 2 divorces,

what else is there to worry about…

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

I expect Flotsam to jump back up into the limelight again and put a huge mark on theplanet. I expect that the world will not end but is headed for extreme changes.

I always expect change to happen.

Name: Tom Phillips

Band: While Heaven Wept

Instrument: Guitar

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

1.         Rush – Clockwork Angels

2.         Mono – For My Parents

3.         Blue Oyster Cult – The Columbia Albums Collection

4.         Autopsy – All Tomorrow’s Funerals

5.         Ulver – Childhood’s End

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Performing our first home town concert in 23 years, and the fact it was one of our best perfomances ever!

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Hanging out with former Fates Warning singer (and personal hero) John Arch at his house and talking for many hours about each other’s musical history at length.

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Probably the last night of the Primordial/While Heaven Wept/Cormorant US tour when we were joined by the equally amazing Vektor and everyone donned Alan Nemtheanga’s corpse paint then rushed the stage during their last song. Classic!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Hurricane Sandy decimating the Northeast of the USA was absolutely shocking to witness. It moved me enough to send donations to the Red Cross for relief efforts.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Recording the first of two brand new While Heaven Wept albums and extensive preparation for our 25th Anniversary in 2014!

Name: Leif Jensen


Instrument: Gesang

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?

Tragedy – “Darker Days Ahead”

Angel Witch – “As Above, So Below”

Pig Destroyer – “Book Burner”

Lana Del Rey – “Born To Die”

Witchcraft – “Legend”

Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?

Der positive und sehr motivierende Empfang für das veränderte D-S Line-Up. So macht es auch wirklich Spaß, ein weiteres Kapitel für die Band anzufangen…

Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?

Hoffentlich der noch anstehenden Übersee-Urlaub! Mexiko und Belize…ich komme! Und sitze dann sogar zufällig neben den Endzeitfreaks in der ersten Reihe, falls die Welt doch untergeht…

Welche war die Party des Jahres?

Das Roadburn Festival (NL)…und die Geburtstagsfeier meines Katers!

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Bewegt: Die Füße.

Schockiert: Der Blick in die Zukunft.

Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Wir arbeiten gerade an einem speziellen Dew-Scented Release für nächstes Jahr, da wir unter anderem 20 Jahre Bandaktivität zu feiern haben! Es darf aber ansonsten ruhig ein gemütlicheres Jahr werden als 2012. Aber ich erwarte immer nicht viel und stelle mich einfach mit den aufkommenden Herausforderungen! Wird schon werden…


Band: U.D.O.

Instrument: VOCALS

Welche sind deine fünf Lieblingsalben 2012?






Welcher war der denkwürdigste Band-Moment des Jahres?


Welcher war der denkwürdigste private Moment des Jahres?


Welche war die Party des Jahres?

WACKEN 2012 – 25 JAHRE U.D.O.

Was hat dich 2012 am meisten bewegt oder schockiert?

Bewegt: WACKEN 2012 /


Welche Erwartungen hast du von 2013?

Frieden in der Welt und ein Hammer Jahr für U.D.O.

Name: Toschie

Band: Audrey Horne

Instrument: Vocals

What are your five favorite records release in 2012?

„A different kind of truth“, Van Halen….the amazing comeback we never thought would happen.

„Nothings gonna chance the way you feel about me now“; Justin Townes Earl…never a bad album from this guy.

„Legend“, Witchcraft….great 70`s hard rock

„Koi No Yokan“, Deftones

„Presenting the problem“, Ribozyme…Norway`s best band at the moment.

What was your most memorable band-moment?

I guess I would have to say the whole writing prosess of our new album“Youngblood“, we did it in our rehearsing studio, and played and jammed out ideas that turned into a bunch of songs. It was very much a back to basic experience. It is easy to get lost in the whole business part of being a band, and just hanging out, playing, laughing and fighting gets you back on track on what this really is all about. Apart from that, we did some pretty memorable gigs.        

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

I got engaged to my girlfriend, and we are getting married next summer, and throw a damn good party with some of the best people on this planet. 

Which was the biggest party of the year?

Not to be an ass-kisser, but your metal hammer awards was one of the best this year. Hanging out with good people, laughing and getting way too drunk…what more do you need ? Ice Dale also threw a great birthday party this year, it included a dancing Abbath from Immortal, and a very drunk Thomas (guitar Audrey Horne), as a no-compromise-DJ.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

In the words of Ricky Gervais : “ Dear Religion, This week I safely dropped a man from space while you shot a child in the head for wanting to go to school. Yours, Science.“  Most of the horrible shit people do to each other continues to shock me, and then, every now and then, something truly amazing is being done, or created by brilliant good people.                        

What do you expect from 2013?

A beautyful wife, an album that does well, great gigs, fun festivals, more songwriting, peace and prospect.

Name: Geoff Tate

Instrument: Vocals/Saxophone

Band: Queensryche

What is your five favorite records release in 2012?

Honestly, besides my own new release, I have not paid attention to new music lately. When I am making a record I become very focused on the music in my head. Now that the record is finished and released my ears are open. Time to visit a record store and see what’s out there.

What was your most memorable band-moment?

There are many moments that we experience together – but so often when asked to recall a particular moment we find that each individual involved feels and describes the moment differently. What is memorable for one is often not for another. We are all alone, but we are alone together.

What was your most memorable moment in your private life?

I remember a restless, sleepless night. Pacing around the house, looking in cupboards, behind doors. Finally finding a little peace sitting in the chair by the fireplace.

Eyes close slowly, drifting, somewhere …

I awake with a chill.

Across the room I see my Grandmother’s ghost smiling. “Where were you?” She says.

I am in tears of guilt.

Which was the biggest party of the year?

The best party I had this year was a 2-night performance at Ripper’s place in Ohio in October. There was a Hurricane blowing, the place was packed and the Rocker’s were high. We left the rules at the door and everyone melted together in a river of blood, sex and sweat.

What moved or shocked you the most in 2012?

A major upheaval in one’s life can reveal layers of secrets long hidden. I have been moved beyond my understanding by the kind words and actions of people around me through out this year. In trying times you find out who your friends truly are.

What do you expect from 2013?

I try to live life with few expectations, that way I’m always surprised.

Slipknot: Clown sorgt sich um künftige Festivalheadliner

Bei Festivals kommt es immer wieder vor, dass vergleichsweise jüngere Bands in die Headliner-Positionen vorrücken. Zum Beispiel stehen Sleep Token beim nächstjährigen Download Festival ganz oben im Line-up. Unter anderem darüber sprach Slipknot-Perkussionist M. Shawn Crahan aka Clown im Interview beim NME. Dabei zeigte sich der Maskenmetaller zwiegespalten. "Sie haben ihre Nische und müssen es gut machen, von der geschäftlichen Seite her", analysiert der Slipknot-Querkopf. "Mein altes Ich hätte das vielleicht niedergemacht, aber mein neues Ich -- mein wahres Ich -- denkt sich: Es liegt immer an den Fans. Die Fans lassen die Geschäftsleute wissen, was zu tun ist. Sie…
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