Drowning Pool: Statement zum Todesschützen aus Arizona


Mit ihrem Song ‚Bodies‘ schrieben Drowning Pool ihren ersten Hit – und machten sich unter anderem den Todesschützen aus Arizona zum Fan. Er hatte eine Version des Songs in seinem Youtube-Channel untergebracht, während im Video der Song lief und ein maskierter Mann eine amerikanische Flagge verbrannte. Auf die entsprechenden Medienberichte reagierten Drowning Pool mit diesen Worten:

„We were devastated this weekend to learn of the tragic events that occurred in Arizona and that our music has been misinterpreted, again.

‚Bodies‘ was written about the brotherhood of the mosh pit and the respect people have for each other in the pit. If you push others down, you have to pick them back up. It was never about violence. It’s about a certain amount of respect and a code.

We’ve performed for the troops overseas several times in places like Iraq, Afghanistan and Kuwait. Through our song ‚Soldiers‘, we were able to create a petition that helped pass the Lane Evans Mental Health Care Reform Bill, which we presented to then-Senator Barack Obama.

We’ve been lucky enough to have some of the biggest success of our career with our new album and we want to continue to spread positivity for the future, not dwell on negativity. For someone to put out a video misinterpreting a song about a mosh pit as fuel for a violent act shows just how sick they really are. We support those who do what they can to keep America safe.

Our hearts go out to the victims and their families of this terrible tragedy.“

Der Schütze hatte während seines Attentats auf die Politikerin Gabrielle Giffords sechs Menschen erschossen und 14 verletzt.

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