At The Gates geben das Cover des neuen Album bekannt


Es ist eines der wohl mit größter Spannung erwarteten Alben des Jahres: AT WAR WITH REALITY von At The Gates. Nun haben die Schweden das Cover des Albums enthüllt, welches von Costin Chioreanu entworfen wurde und äußern sich zudem zu ihrem neuen Album.

Sänger Tomas Lindberg über das Album:

„The concept of ‚At War with Reality‘ is based on the literary genre called ‚Magic Realism‘. The main style within this genre is the notion that ‚reality‘ is ever-changing, and needs to be constantly re-discovered and re-conquered. We felt that Costin’s artwork style would be the perfect visual contribution to this album, so he became the natural choice…“

Gitarrist Anders Björler über das Artwork:

„I got in touch with Costin a few years back. I was immediately impressed with his dark and original style. He collaborated on some T-shirt designs for AT THE GATES as well as designing the album artwork for my Instrumental Project. We realized pretty early on that his style would accompany the music and the concept perfectly.”

Auch für den Künstler war es eine großartige Erfahrung für die Band zu arbeiten:

„I have been waiting for this album for almost 20 years and it’s the biggest honor for me to illustrate it – As there is no greater achievement for a dreamer than the moment when the dream becomes reality. „At War With Reality“ is by far the most complex visual story I have ever created, from all points of view. From the very first moment the band presented the concept, I found it extremely stunning and at the same time super-challenging. I like to think that visual art and music are tools to explore our minds – to create, to discover and to push the limits. AT THE GATES, one of my all-time favorite Metal bands, offered me a chance to explore a new dimension.”

Auch einige Songtitel verriet die Band bereits.

‘Death And The Labyrinth’, ‘The Circular Ruins’, ‘The Conspiracy Of The Blind’, ‘Order From Chaos’, ‘Eater Of Gods’ und ‘Upon Pillars Of Dust’.

Die Band nahm AT WAR WITH REALITY in der gleichen Besetzung wie vor 19 Jahren noch SLAUGHTER OF THE SOUL auf.

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