Hört hier zuerst den neuen Napalm Death-Song ‘How The Years Condemn’


Am 23. Januar erscheint Album Nummer 15 aus dem Hause Napalm Death. Auf APEX PREDATOR – EASY MEAT beschäftigen sich die Grindcorer mit Sklaverei in der modernen Welt. Nach ‘Cesspits’ könnt ihr nun mit ‘How The Years Condemn’ einen weiteren neuen Song hören.

Bassist Shane Embury zu ‘How The Years Condemn’:

„Musically I wanted this track to encompass lots of different rhythms and nuances in the short space of time which the song occupies, which I hope we achieve, and that it bursts with an intensity and emotion to match the theme of the lyrics!

Lyrically it’s a departure from the rest of the new album as its self-reflective – a couple of years ago I was hospitalized prior to a very important tour and was forced to miss out on going and had to stay at home.

More importantly I realized in the time I was in hospital that  I really had to make a choice which was either to carry on down the same path of selfish destruction as I had seen some of my friends embark on or stay around for the people I loved and who loved me!

Yes, it’s a familiar story, no doubt. but it was an awakening for me which I very much needed and shortly after I was blessed with the birth of my daughter so I am glad I made the right decision…

We are not invincible – Nor are we indestructible. There are choices – points of return…”

Hört exklusiv bei uns die Premiere von Napalm Deaths ‘How The Years Condemn’:

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