Hört den neuen Primordial-Song ‘Dark Horse On The Wind’ hier zuerst


Hört hier den brandneuen Primordial-Song ‘Dark Horse On The Wind’ in der Premiere:

Primordial-Frontmann Alan Averill Nemtheanga erklärt den neuen Song ‘Dark Horse On The Wind’ (im Original von Liam Weldon):

“Dark Horse On The Wind: Possibly the greatest piece of Irish ‚folk‘ music at least I have ever heard, the original by Liam Weldon recorded in the 1970’s is one of the most spine tingling and truly tragic stand alone vocal pieces that encapsulates Ireland’s bloody and tragic history like nothing I’ve ever heard before. Recording it was daunting and if I have even risen to a minute % of the original and make people discover Weldon’s work through breathing life into the song for a completely different ’scene‘, then my work is done and I can rest proud.”

Der neue Primordial-Song stammt vom Sampler ONE AND ALL, TOGETHER, FOR HOME, auf dem internationale Metal-Bands, die in ihrer Musik mit ihrem Heimatland verwurzelt sind, traditionelle Folk-Songs covern. Das Doppelalbum erscheint am 23.05.2014.

Das Tracklisting des Folk Metal-Samplers ONE AND ALL, TOGETHER, FOR HOME:

Primordial – Dark Horse On The Wind
Drudkh – Забута Колискова (Forgotten Lullaby)
Häive – Ei Kuule Emo Minua
Kampfar – En Hymne Til Urd
Winterfylleth – Abbots Brommley Horn Dance
Winterfylleth – John Barleycorn
Mondvolland – Montferland I (with FOLKCORN)
Mondvolland – Montferland II
Himinbjorg – Esprit De Brave
Winterfylleth – The Three Ravens
Kampfar – Bånnsull
Drudkh – Довбуш (Dovbush)
Mondvolland – Montferland III
Ava Inferi – Ao Teu Lado
Häive – Ukon On Tulinen Turkki
Häive – Onpa Tietty Tietyssäni
Primordial – The Foggy Dew

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