Trenne mich von folgenden CDs: 
Annihilator- In Comammand (Live 1989-1990) – 5 €
Anthrax -Spreading the disease- 6€
Deicide-Legion 8€
Heaven shall burn-What ever may take (Erstes Album Lifeforce Records) – 10 €
Heaven shall burn-Deaf to our prayers + Bonus Metalcore Cd -9,50 €
Hammerfall- One crimison night- Doppel CD- 9,50 €
L.A. Guns-Cocked & Loaded- 8€
L.A. Guns- Hollywood Vampires -8€
Living Dead -Metal Revolution – 5€
Kreator- Terrible Certainty- 7 €
Kreator- Endorama-6 €
Samson (Bruce Dickenson !) – Shock Tactics 6 €
Warlock – Triumph and Agony- 6 €
Shining- Livets Ändhallpalts- Suicide Blackmetal 8€
Nyktalgia-Nyktalgia- Suicide Blackmetal 8€
DVD Running Wild -Live – 12,50
Alle Preise sind inklusive Porto.
Trifft das Geld ein, geht die Ware raus.
By the underground, for the underground!